Chapter 8

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Layla sprung up like a cat once she heard the doorbell ring. She was frozen in place at the sound, not knowing who would be crazy enough to come this late at night. She slowly tried to get up, but blood trickled down her legs again and she whimpered softly. She whipped her head to the bed when she heard shuffling and groans.

"Layla. Find out who the fuck that is. You piece of shit" he ordered angrily in his sleepy husky voice.

Layla slowly lifted herself off the ground with the help of the wall and grabbed a robe to wrap around her thin body as she stumbled to the entrance. She held back tears of pain, but let a hiss slide through her clenched teeth. She stumbled down the hall and scooted down the stairs, being careful of her torn lower region. She finally made it to the front door and she slowly opened the giant door. It took all of her strength to hold herself up and open the door at the same time. When she saw the familiar face at the door her eyes shot open.

" you must get out of here!" I ordered Cloud softly and pressed a hand to his chest as if to push him away, but Cloud just grabbed her hand and pulled her against him.

Layla stumbled and fell into his chest with an 'oof'. She stared up at the taller male in fear. Not of him, but of Jackson and what he would do if he found out Cloud was at the front door. Cloud wrapped his free arm around Layla's waist and pulled her onto the giant porch. He instantly started moving like he was dancing with her, but he stumbled all over and Layla's feet never touched the ground. She was in shock by Cloud and she tried to get away from him, but his grip just tightened.

"Please Cloud you must get out of here! If Jackson finds you here he's going to kill you and me please! Cloud!" She tried to reason with him, but the drunken man just continued to dance until Layla was ripped away from Cloud.

Layla expected to see a seething Jackson, but it was a very calm darker skinned male instead. Layla glanced back at the male and stared in awe. She had never seen someone's skin colour so dark considering she rarely left the house. The male noticed she was staring and his gentle gaze turned to a glare. He put her inside of her house gently and she balanced herself out on her feet. The male was about to leave with Cloud, but Layla instinctively reached out her hand and touched his cheek softly. The male glared at her as she stroked his cheek then onto his neck, covered chest and bare arms. The male finally had enough and ripped away from her reach.

"Don't do that! What?! You never seen a black man before?! Are we that rare, you racist bitch?" He snapped suddenly and it caused Layla to jump back in fear, since she had never heard a voice so deep or with such an accent. She shook her head slowly in response to his question.

"I-I'm sorry...I have never seen anybody with as dark skin as you...I apologize for offending you I never meant to. You see, I don't use any electronics and I don't leave my house very often so I don't see many people" she bowed her head as she spoke and the male instantly felt regret for snapping at her in such a rude way. He had forgotten her condition.

"I'm sorry. It's alright I didn't know. I shouldn't have snapped at you. My names Damian and I'm Cloud's best friend" Damian spoke in a gentle and calmer tone than what he had before.

Damian held out his hand and looked her up and down, finally starting to realize how thin and small she really was. He stopped when he saw blood staining her ankles and the marks of ropes on them and on her wrists. Damian wanted to say something, but his best friend pulled his attention away from Layla. He glanced back at Cloud and a frown rose onto his face. Layla looked past the buff male in front of her and stared at Cloud with a frown. He was dancing around as if he was a chicken and he was squawking loudly. Layla jumped when she felt someone behind her and she didn't dare to look back, only bow her head in submission. Jackson walked out from behind her slowly, but still made sure to grab Layla's shoulder and push her aside slightly. Damian turned his attention to Jackson and I could tell he froze, but he tried to hide his fear. Jackson glared at Damian, but walked past him like he was nothing. He turned to Cloud and clenched his fists when he saw him. Cloud finally noticed Jackson and resorted back to normal, turning to him instead.

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