Chapter Twenty Eight

Start from the beginning

If not, then he has only one other way out and that is behind him where an entrance to a sort of cave system seems to be. It is darker in there though and even with his magic making light to guide the way, it is impossible to tell what is in there. But he has to try, to keep trying and get out.

Gwaine. His friend that is missing and he just left. He and Missy were on their way to rescue him and he just left. He could bang his head against the cave for being so easily lured and trapped. Was it an enchantment she put on him? No, it can't be. Could it? He asks himself. No. He knows what he felt and he knows it's not magic. It's sort of how he felt around Freya... No, he mustn't think of her, it's too painful and he needs to think of other things like how to get free. He must not think of himself nor of his heart. He's good at this. He has had a lot of practice.

Merlin turns from his thoughts and begins again, "áhreddan."


"His brother...? I thought..." I say trailing off as my mind slips to Nadine.

"We have the same father. He was married to my mother but then she died and he remarried to Percival's mother." He explains as he wipes mine and Nadine's blood from my hands, gently with a small piece of cloth. "Are you alright Missione?"

I look up from the ground and towards him. Our eyes meet and I ask, "How do you know my name?"

"You're very well known."

"How so?"

"You're the first maiden to ever become a Knight, Missione and that kind of news spreads like wild fire." He says with a smile.

How can he smile? At a time like this?

"Most call me Missy." I say. "I have to go."

I try to stand up, but my back inflames with pain causing me to bite down hard on my bottom lip to try and stop the shriek I am about to make. I end up sitting- falling back down in a thud and making more pain inflame up my back. It must have got bruised when- well when I fell over and now I am left with much pain. But I need to get up. I need to go and find Gwaine.

"Just rest." He- Percival's brother says.

"You don't understand." I say as I try to shift in a more comfortable position. "My fir- Gwaine, a fellow Knight is trapped in the labyrinth and it's up to me and me alone to find him."

Percival's brother's smile drops for a second and then reappears as he says, "I'll go with you."

"No, it's too dangerous."

"You're injured, you need help. I can help you."

I look at him and ask, "Why? Why are you willing to help me so easily?"

"You need help and I can give some." He answers like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

I nod my head, ignoring the confusion that fills me and try to pick myself off of the ground. I have difficulty but a strong, gentle pair of arms help me up and I am back on my feet. My back is hunched over slightly which I can't help nor do anything about at the moment. I turn to Percival's brother and nod my head in acknowledgment for what he did. I start to walk towards where the labyrinth is but his voice stops me and makes me turn to him.

"My name is Lamorak." He says as he holds out his hand. "It's nice to meet you, Lady Knight Missione. It will be an honor to fight by your side."

He's very strange. Happy and full of words, always. He's the kind of person that you can tell what they are feeling and nothing at all like Percival. Except for the fact that they are exactly and completely the same.

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