CHAPTER 23: The Storm

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I stayed with y/n for the rest of that day. I even slept over, but she didn't move. She didn't speak. She didn't eat. She was completely broken. She wasn't functioning.

She's been like that for three days. THREE DAYS. I haven't had my best friend for three fucking days. Seeing her like this was hurting me. I needed to do something about it. So I did.

I decided to break the silence between Finn and I that had been prevalent for the past three days. I stumbled upon him playing his bass in the living room. "Finn." I said sternly. I couldn't be heard above the booming bass line of whatever song he was playing. After another few failed attempts, I was done. I pulled the plug connecting his bass to the amp, causing his bass to be limited to light scratch-like noises.

"What the -"

I cut him off quickly, "FINN WOLFHARD!" I threw the plug on the floor and shoved my pointer finger in his face. "Do you know how much pain you have caused y/n? She isn't sleeping, or eating, or even speaking to me! She just lays there, stares off into space, and occasionally checks her phone for a text FROM YOU. She isn't herself! And for what? Not putting out for you? You son of a -" Before I could finish, I realized he had put his bass down and was walking towards the kitchen. He wasn't even listening! "Hey, I'm talking to you!" I followed him into the kitchen. He placed his elbows on the counter and dug his face into his hands. "EXCUSE ME SIR?" I crossed my arms. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

He turned around and sighed. I saw his eyes, now big and puffy, and his fists clenched. "I'm not talking to you" he hissed.

"Why?" I threw my hands in the air. He opened his mouth to speak but I interjected. "Because of what I said on twitter? Well too bad, maybe now your fans will see how much of a dick you are!" I could almost see the steam coming from his ears like a cartoon character. His eyebrows were burrowed and bit down on his lip aggressively.

He sighed, "Millie -"

"No," I turned away from him and began to walk off. "If you have anything to say, say it to y/n."

Just as I was about to reach for the door knob, I felt a strong hand around my wrist and spin me around. I pulled my hand back from Finn's grasp and swung at his face with an open palm, leaving a red hand mark on his cheek. He stood there, shocked at first, but as he let it sting, he placed his hand on his cheek. His mouth hung open like he was about to say something, but nothing was said between us. I almost felt bad for a second, but I remembered y/n.

"Fix this" I whispered timidly and walked out of the house.

{I do all my writing in biology class tbh}

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