CHAPTER 20: Cold

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Once you got back to your house, you stormed through the front door. You walked into the kitchen, where your friends remained. Their conversation stopped immediately when you burst in. Again, they were stunned by your outfit.

You pointed to Sophia and said, "Fuck you," then turned to Sadie and repeated, "Fuck you, too." You stayed for a moment to see their open-mouthed expressions. Sophia stuttered as if she were going to say something, but she said nothing.

You smirked, satisfied, and then strutted upstairs to your room. You fell onto your bed and shut your eyes. You tried to hold back tears, but there was no use. Your eyes stung and grew puffy. Tears poured out of your eyes and you shoved your face into a pillow. "Ugh!" you groaned into your pillow. Wyatt's words repeated in your head. You couldn't shake the feeling that everything was crashing around you.

Then there was a knock at the door.

"Babe, can I come in?" you smiled once you heard Finn's sweet, seductive voice. You stood up and hurried to open the door. Finn had a bright, yet concerned smile on his face. And the Millie's head popped out from behind him. The cartoon-ish way her head perked up made you giggle. You stepped to the side of your door to create a pathway to let the two in.

Millie pushed Finn behind her. "Me first," she announced and entered your room, shutting the door behind her. You stared at the door, almost disappointed Finn didn't come in as well, but Millie quickly pulled you by the arm so you could join her on your bed.

"Aw, love," she sighed, wiping your tears and examining your bloodshot eyes. She tried to smile, in an effort to get you to do the same. You did smile, it just wasn't genuine and she could tell. The two of you frowned. "What's the matter?"

And you explained everything. At first, you took a deep breath and began the story without breaking. Yet, three sentences in and your voice cracked. Then the tears came. You forced Millie to have to interpret a sniffle and stutter filled story. By the end, though, she understood and wrapped you into the most comforting hug. She rubbed your back and swung gently. You felt like a baby, but with the amount of crying you've been doing, you were fine with it.

"Wyatt is just jealous, love," she rested her hand on your cheek and wiped away your tears with her thumb. You genuinely smiled when she called you 'love.' "People say those things just to attack you, but don't worry. Most of what they say isn't true," she rested her forehead against mine and looked down.

You shivered, "But what if what Wyatt said was true?" You moved backwards from Millie and saw her eyebrows furrow.

She shook her head, "No, no, no, y/n. That could never be true. You are a literal ball of light and couldn't possibly hurt anyone. That's why we became such good friends so quickly." Millie was now smiling. It became infectious. Even I was smiling now.

"Really?" you still had doubt.

"Really," she assured you. You both were glued in a tight embrace that seemed to last forever. Until Finn bursted in.

"Are you guys done yet?" he asked impatiently before seeing you two in an intimate hug. "Oh should I-"

"It's fine!" Millie sighed. It was easy to tell that she didn't really find it okay, but she still sprung up from the bed. "She's all yours Finnie Boy. Just don't be too loud!" she winked as she closed the door behind her.

Finn chuckled before looking at you. You had stopped crying, but your eyes were still red and you still felt cold. He slowly approached you, taking a seat on the bed next to you. The two of you sat in silence as you stared at your fidgeting hands and he stared at you.

"I'm sorry, y/n," he broke the silence and tucked the strand of hair behind my ear. "There," he grinned, "now I can see your beautiful face." You turned to look at him. Your movement must have been sharp and unexpected, since Finn had jumped. But he relaxed and the two of you just looked deeply into each other's eyes in adoration.

"I love you," you tilted your head and admired his features.

His eyes lit up. You saw pure happiness in his face. His eyes crinkled up as a smile grew larger and larger on his face. "Wow, y/n, I don't know what to say!" his tone turned sarcastic. You punched his shoulder, earning a wince from him. But then he returned to a dopey smile. "I love you, y/n."

You pushed your lips against his. You tasted the sweetness of love. You felt his soft, cherry red lips. He pressed against you softly. He was more passionate than usual. He layed you down on your bed and he continued to kiss you. Then his lips moved to your neck. It was too much.

"Finn," you groaned.

He received it wrong. He continued to press his lips against your skin, but even more intensely.

You grew worried. "Finn," your voice croaked. "Get off of me!" you shoved his body away from yours and sat up. You shivered, even colder than you felt before. You felt so vulnerable.

Finn looked hurt. He looked at you, confused, but then scoffed and stormed out of the room. You jumped at the sound of the door shutting as you stared off into space. Then the tears came again. And you didn't think they'd ever stop.


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