Maui x reader part 3

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Moana pulled away from you, her hands cupping your soaked cheeks as she pressed her dorehead to yours and laughed.

She could barely believe how fast she blew through the stages of grief.

It all rushed her in under a minute. Most of your embrace was to make sure it wasnt a dream.

You smiled at her gratefully, but your eyes drifted toward a depressed looking demi-god. A certain man who had held most of your trust and respect.

And now, a person you wouldnt mind spending the rest of your life with.

Struggling to your feet you lumped back into the long green grass with a grunt. Moana jolts, helping you sit back up as the ache appeared in you chest. Grabbing her arms you pulled yourself to your feet.

Wavering in your stance and staring over at the very male you wished to hold.

"M-mo-" your words are interupted by a soreness in your throat. Holding back the stream of coughs that wish to surface you swallowed the bile in your throat and stumbled towards the demi god.

He stared down at his new hook, tears stained on his cheeks.

Placing your chilled hand on his burning skin you moaned in innocent pleasure, placing your weight  against him before shuffling in front of his form and ducking beneath his hook.

Wrapping your arms around his torso you held him tughtly, shivering against his stiffened figure.

His breath hitched and he slowly places the hook aside, getting on his knees and pulling you ever closer.

You wrap your arms around his neck and press the side of your face to his, shivering as he starts to cry.

"I-im.." taking a struggled breath he cracks a little more and buries his face in your shoulder. Wrapping you up further in his arms and cradling you as kindly as possible.

"Im so sorry.." his words made you worry, your chest tightened as your heart ached to make the man you adored smile again.

Nuzzling your face agaisnt his head you place a loving kiss on his shoulder, "its okay.. i forgive you.."

He shakes his head, whinpering pitifully and tightening his hold on you, tears soaking your clothes further.

His voice is distraught and pained beyond measure, pleading for you to not forgive him for this, saying that this was all hos fault.

You disagreed every time but after a minute of his guilt stricken words you pulled away and grabbed his face.

Wiping away every tear that dared show on his handsome expression. Kissing him deeply you grew relieved when he returned the action, pressing further and tilting his head.

When you both stopped to catch tour breath you pushed the hair from his face and smiled at him, dipping his head down and laying a tender kiss on his forehead. "I love you too much Maui.." he chuckled, another tear escaping his eye as you wiped it away.

Embracing you onve more he whispered it back, "i love you far more..."

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