hayhay x feline!inna

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They had just crash landed on Maoi's island, inna keeping her brown fur hidden behind the boat as he sings unintelligent words that she cant understand. When he spins Moana into a cave and pushes a boulder infront of it, is when she begins to worry.

Crouching down, inna flattens her ears further to her head, pearing warily over the boat at the man that lifted it up and pulled hayhay the chicken from the food storage.

Maui chuckled and grins saying something before licking his lips hungrily.

That did it, inna rushed forward and latched her claws into his face, making him drop her feathered friend and stumble back, going to grab her but by then she had dropped off and stood infront of hahay who was sticking head over claws out of the sand.

Glancing over at his derpy figure she frowns, hissing and yowling in rage when ever maui went to grab her or hayhay.

In honesty, inna didnt know the chickens gender.. she couldnt even smell a girl or boy scent on his feathers, only salt water and a smokey scent... strangely enough.

Slashing the demigod's hand she sends him tumbling away with an ear piercing screech from her vocals.

"Fine fine i wont touch your stupid food!!" Maui shouts, still not making sense to the feline who sneezed and stalked back to the chicken, dragging him out of the sand by his feet.

Jumping onto the boat, she clambered up the rest of the way, despite hayhay being very light it was still a difficult task for her small form.

Maui picked up the boat grumbling softly as he set it in the water and flinched away when inna growled in annoyance to his presence.

Climbing onto the boat as well he took some seeds from a bag in the food storage and sprinkled them infront of hahay, dodging the slash from Inna.

The poor stupid chicken twisted their head and began pecking the wood, thinking they were getting some seeds with each dip.

Inna frowned along with Maui, pushing the chicken's head so their whole body turned and they were pecking the area with the seeds.

Not saying hayhay actually got any but at least they tried..

Moana belly flops into the water, splashing Inna and soaking her to the bone. Hissing in frustration inna shakes off and starts licking the water from her fur.

Hayhay turns their head dramatically before going ahead and pecking at her fur, ringing out water drops with each peck.

She glances at the dumb chicken and smiles softly, hayhay continues to help releave the water from her fur while she does the same for them since they got water on their feathers.

After a few minutes of drying eachother Moana makes a strange almost woeful sound, smiling down at their forms with big doe eyes. Maui snorts in disdain at the two animals that sit near and dry off.

When hayhay is all dried up, inna lays next to their form and curls around the stupid chicken who rests their head on her neck and back. Their bug eyes closing one after the other comically before they fall asleep just as fast.

Moana 'awwed' again but softer, petting the two animals and letting them sleep while she manned the ropes.

Inna huffed, nuzzling her head further into the soft feathers on hayhays form, making a promise to protect this lovable bird from all harm.

Hayhay may be stupid but they were kind, and that is all the reasoning inna needs in order to bond with this creature she should be eating.

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