ancient chief x H.C.!shy!Inna

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H.C. means handycapped in my vocabulary X3. Anyways, the main animal companion is a spirit dog that rides the large boat with Inna and the chieftain. Inna left forearm is missing from a horrible infection when she was young.

The whole village seemed to be going on the journey, it was inna's first time and the chieftain Bontū (((completely made up)))) stopped her from getting on the smaller boats.

He was always her childhood crush, teen crush, and now still her crush. They grew up together but he still stood a good foot and a half taller than herself, he was also five years older.

She blushed madly, giving a hesitant nod and following him to what ever boat he wanted her on.

When he stepped on the giant lead boat, Inna froze, stiffening up but climbing on after him.

He helps her to her feet, smiling down at her with that grin of his.

It made her heart flutter in her chest and she giggled, looking down at the ground and seeing her companion.

He leapt up and rushed around the boat barking wildly, Bontū asked what she was looking at and she blushed, shaking her head and stating, "j-just the water..." He nodded, leading her to the front of the large canoe and stating, "are you nervous?" She thought for a moment.

Chuckling she nodded, standing next to him and stating with a smile, "of course I am.." Her words drift off at the end, Bontū smiles down at her saying in a soft comforting voice, "don't be. You will do wonderful."

Inna blushed, grabbing handfuls of her fur dress. The blue and green necklace round her throat tightened as she cleared it quietly.

"W-when will we leave..?" She asked from curiosity, watching as he turned and jogged back to the other end of the boat as he calls down to the villagers.

Inna mumbles some words under her breath, thinking he didn't hear her and too shy to go over and ask again.

It was a stupid question anyways it was obvious they would leave soon.

Walking over to one of the ropes she retied them, going over to others and doing the same.

After a moment, the boat lurched beneath her making her stumble.

It was just a wave.


Not a wave not a wave!!!! She thought frantically, she went to scramble off the boat to help them move it, when strong warm arms help her up, taking her one hand in his large one as he starts towards the food storage area.

Inna struggles lamely, "I-i-i-i-i-I'm not supposed to, to be on the boat when its p-p-pulled only t-the chief an-" Bontū finishes the sentence with a cheeky smile, "and his wife." His arm snakes behind her back and holds her trapped in his cage of muscle and skin.

Inna blushes madly, covering her face from embarrassment, "i-i-i-i-I'm n-not your w-w-w-w-w... Wife...." She whispered the last part, her face heating up further making Bontū chuckle and embrace her.

Her cheek pressed against the bottom of his ribcage, listening to his frantic heart beat.

"Well.. um... Will you?" His words are soft and hopeful making the female burst and hug him back tightly. Her outburst forced them backwards and into the food storage space away from curious eyes.

"O-o-of course!!" She stutters out loud, smiling wide as she started to cry. He laughed a deep laugh, pulling her up and smashing his lips into hers.

The feeling made stars explode behind her eyes as she eagerly kissed back, wrapping her arms behind his head and pulling him deeper.

He smirked, nipping her bottom lip making it red before pulling away when she yelps in surprise. She still grinned up at the male who she found herself straddling. When she went to get up he pulled her back down for a short sweet kiss before standing, picking her up by her thighs and placing her on the top deck.

She giggled, standing and helping him out just as she got him out her gaze locked with that of the villagers. Her face became so red her ears burned. Holding her breath she grinned wide, "h-how mu-much did you all s-s-see...??." Her friend Marite laughed and said loudly, "enough sweetheart!"

She blushed, groaning softly as she started back towards the food baskets.

"Gather all that was set and return it here." Bontū states in his authority voice as he walks after the short female he loved.

She bent down and grabbed a basket in her arms, but Bontū took it from her and two more, giving a chuckle and shrug of his shoulders.

She frowned, blushing darkly as she watches him walk away, noticing the small sway of his stride.

Grabbing another large bowl of fruit she placed it on her head, balancing it skillfully before grabbing another and carrying it after him.

The spirit dog barked and rushed towards her, leaping to tackle her form and shower her with kisses but ending up drifting through her form.

She shivered nonetheless, correcting her stride and dumping her burden in after Bontū who glanced at her in surprise. Inna shot him a smirk and went to get more.

His gaze admired her body and the dress that clung to her curves nicely, her hips swayed as she walked and that only made her long obsidion hair shift back and forth with it.

His friend chuckled, crouching next to him and sighing in mock bliss, "what a woman~.." Bontū shouted at him, shoving him away but mentally agreeing.

What a woman...

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