Maui x reader p2

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You stood there for a moment, hesitant on going near him in case you angered him yet again.

He gave an impatient hand motion, and you shuffled towards him, leaned closer to see where he pointed when his large hand grabbed your arm and pulled you even closer.

Your form nearly pressed flush against his as he forms his hand and shows you where it was exactly.

Blush rose on your cheeks yet you still tried to shy away, he was rather intimidating especially since you were so short.

His arm plopped around your waist. The weight of all the hard muscle jolting you to sit on his thigh.

The soft pink that dusted his cheeks was no match to the bright cherry red your skin turned. The large demi God glanced over at you, smirking and leaning his face next to yours asking softly, "do you see it yet?"

Nodding quickly you huffed, wiggling further from his grip. His hand snatched your wrist softly but firmly, giving a small squeeze as he eased you back against his warm body heat.

"Show me where it is." His quiet demand made your breath catch silently in your throat, sitting back on his propped leg you angle your hand shyly and match it as best as possible to the stars.

Maui hides his mischievous smirk with a fake frown, "where?" You sigh, your face feeling hot from all the blood rushing to it.

Shifting closer you realign your hand again, Maui cocks his head to the side and points at a different constellation.

"That one? If thats what your saying it's wrong."

You clentch your jaw, staring up at this man incredulously, having a small hint as to what he was doing.

Turning away you go to stand, not exactly wanting to delve deeper into this scenario or whatever game he has planned.

But his hands grab your waist and give a firm tug, tripping you back into his comfortingly warm hold.

Grunting at the impact your back made with his bare chest and belly, you tilt your head up to gaze up at his face, which showed a calm and almost disappointed expression.

Like he expected a bigger fight or more cooperation.

Pressing the balls of your feet against the wooden floor boards you push yourself up and squish close to his form, pressing the side of your head agaisnt his and tilting his head to face where you wanted it to look.

Raising your hand you match it to the constellation, stating softly. "That's where it is."

Maui blushes dark red, smirking as his stone faced facade breaks apart from your adorable actions.

Tiwsting he points far off to the right, away from you asking, "that one over there isnt it either.. maybe you're not understanding this..."

Staring in silent confused shock you pull your face from his before easing it in closer, curiosity nagging at you to see which star he is pointing at.

Before you could react he turned back to face you, not having noticed your close proximity..

His plump lips were smushed against your's and in an instant you lurched back from surprise, embarressed and feeling over heated.

His surprise lasted a few moments before he fumbled, trying to catch your stumbling form that fell off his leg.

Grabbing the front of your outfit he tensed, the blush on his face far more intense but he could still hold onto reason and the current scenario, unlike you..

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