I Wish You Were Here

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"Which I've told her" Jackson says

"I'll slow down once I go on maternity leave, but I am still early in this pregnancy and there's no reason for me to start slowing down yet" I sigh

"You're stubborn, do you know that" Jackson asks

"But you still love me" I smile making him laugh as he kisses me

"Well everything is looking good. I do want to schedule another ultrasound soon, just to keep a check on you and the baby because of your previous experiences" she says

"Okay" I nod. After that we discuss a few more things before finishing the appointment then Jackson and I leave to go to the cafeteria for lunch.

"Oh my goodness, I can't believe we're having another baby" I smile looking at my ultrasound picture as we sit at the table eating

"Me either. My moms going to be so excited once we tell her. It's probably going to be impossible to even make her leave Seattle once she finds out. You know she likes to hover" he chuckles

"Believe me I know. I was thinking about when we're going to tell everyone that we're having a baby and I was thinking maybe we should wait until I'm 16 weeks, after we have the test ran to make sure the baby doesn't have osteogenesis imperfecta" I suggest

"Lily, that's another 2 months" he frowns

"That isn't that long" I shrug

"I understand that you want to make sure the baby is completely healthy before telling everyone, but I don't think we can go that long without anyone noticing. You're going to probably be showing by then" he says

"You're right" I sigh

"Lily, you have to stop planning for the worst it's just going to add unnecessary stress to you and the baby" he says

"I know, I'll just feel so much better once we can actually have Arizona check and make sure that the baby is 100 percent healthy" I say

"I know sweetheart, so will I" he says taking my hand into his. Jackson and I were both a mixture of happy and nervous, but we're just taking this pregnancy one day at a time and hoping for the best. Once we finished lunch I left for my surgery. I kept my surgery schedule pretty busy in the morning and through the day because with this pregnancy I'm normally nauseous almost every night so I like to be done by a certain time so I can be back home resting. Just the joys of pregnancy. I met Penny in my patients room so that we could discuss the surgery with her before taking her to the O.R. and getting her prepped. I scrubbed in before we began operating. Today I was doing a spinal surgery instead of a brain surgery, which I was actually excited for because I haven't did a spinal surgery in awhile.

"Blake, why is a laminectomy procedure done" I ask as we operate

"To take pressure off of the patients spinal cord or a nerve that's running out from under the spinal cord" she says

"Yes that's the case most of the time, but there are a few more. Keep going" I say

"It can also be done to gain access to the spinal cord, bones, and discs that are below the lamina" she says

"You're correct. You've been studying up on spinal injuries" I say

"Yes ma'am. I wanted to be prepared for this surgery" she nods

"Impressive." After 3 hours we finished the surgery then we took the patient to recovery. This was my last surgery of the day so I went to the locker room to change out of my scrubs. I finished early so Jackson was still in surgery. He still had a little while until he would be finished so I decided to leave the hospital and make a quick run to somewhere I normally try to avoid, but that I have been feeling like I needed to visit lately.

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