Chapter Twenty Three

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, I think I can." He says.

"Then please trust me when I say that you need to watch out for Arthur and make sure nothing bad happens to him. And if something happens to me you need to..."

"I'll watch out for any evil sorcerers lurking about and make sure they don't get to Arthur or Camelot. I promise you."

"Make sure you watch out for yourself." I say with a new set of worry for him.

"I'll be fine. I've wrestled more dangerous things than the Princesses enemies in my life." He says with a smile.

"Thank you. I know I've asked a lot from you already but watch out for Gareth and make sure Mordred knows he's not alone. That he's doing the right thing fighting on our side, Arthur's side."

"I will."

There's a moment of silence between us until Gwaine says, "We better get back before the Princess sends out a search party. I did come out here with a purpose you know."

"What purpose is that?" I ask.

"To bring you back inside Camelot's walls before the Queen and Prince of the kingdom of Orwin arrive to sign the peace treaty. We are supposed to be part of the welcome."


The name sounds so familiar, where do I know that name from?

"Yes. They were supposed to come in a months' time but Saxons have invaded their borders and they need more Knights."

"So in signing the peace treaty Camelot will send out some of our own to help protect their lands." I conclude. "We better go then."

"Yes we better." Agrees Gwaine.

"I – I just want us to be how we are yet not how we are at the same time."


I nod my head and we start walking back to the city. As we walk I say the name Orwin over and over again in my head. I know that I know the name from the five kingdoms of Albion but it's like I heard it before I knew of the kingdoms. Where though? And from who? And what am I going to do about Gwaine?


It's hard to think about someone or something when they're standing right next to you and you're trying to remember something entirely different. So I pick one, the one that was right in front of me and stuck by it. Gwaine can wait, Orwin can't. They will be here in a matter of minutes and whatever I can't remember can be really important. Either way I'm too curious and determined to give up on a distant memory.

We soon make it to the castle when I realize I have everything I need except for my cape with the Camelot crest on it. I turn around and head back to my room as Gwaine goes on ahead of me. Once I have it I make my way to the main doors and attach the cape. Just inside of the main doors are ten Knights, eleven if you include me. As soon as I arrive Sir Owen leads us all outside and everyone takes their places. I am unsure of where I am supposed to go so I just follow along with Gwaine. I end up standing next to him as he stands next to an empty space big enough for two. Sooner rather than later banners are rolled down from window sills with the Camelot crest on them and more guards take up positions. Next Guise walks out and stands in the empty space but more towards Sir Owen. I notice the Queen, Gwen walk out onto a balcony above us all and then lastly Arthur stands in the last remaining space beside Gwaine.

"They are only about five minutes out." States Arthur as we stand and wait.

I glance slightly behind me to see Merlin standing more in the background with his hands behind his back waiting as well. We all don't have to wait long as horses hooves are heard in the distance and it sounds like quite a few. They ride in swiftly and majestically like royalty which I guess they are. The two front and main riders are on pure white horses. One is an older woman in her fifties with brown eyes that I recognize as Elie's and hair the color of honey. The other is a young man, a couple years younger than me with green eyes and the same black hair as Elie's. They both look so much like him it leaves a pang in my chest and once again I yearn for his presence, his good humor and seriousness. He was more like an older brother than my actual older brother and I miss him more than anything right now.

"Orwin. Orwin. Orwin." I say over and over again under my breath. "Orwin. Orwin. Orwin."

"Are, are you all right? Did – did something hap – happen?" I ask nervously while fidgeting with the last button on my jacket.

"A lot of things but you don't need to worry about it."

I didn't need to worry about it? I already am.

"It's alright if you don't want to tell me, but just know that you can, Eliot."

He stiffens at his full name and it feels as if he has put invisible walls up all around him but then suddenly it is as if they all come crumbling down.

"I was eight years old when something terrible happened and it was my fault." He starts. "Let me start at the beginning. I was born into the household of Orwin, one of the five kingdoms of Albion. I was the first son and heir to the throne. I lived a privileged life and learned many things but when I was eight I – I saw something that I will never forget. My father in the embrace of another woman."

I stare intently at him but he never looks my way as he continues his tale, "I got so angry that I threw a burning candle their way and fortunately it missed them but not until catching the drapes a flame. My father swore at me and everyone who was near, in turn I saw how angry he could be. I was so scared of him that I ran stupidly to the fire and tried to put it out. I was successful but my own body suffered and I passed out.

"I woke up in the cottage of Al's screaming and thrashing in pain. He healed my burns through a course of months. It was two years when I was finally fully healed but I didn't want to go back home and Al never pushed. I stayed and did chores, earning my keep. I did a lot of thinking and I decided that I want to be a better ruler then my father, a better person so I asked Al to teach me when I was thirteen. He accepted and that is why I am here.

"When I finish I plan on going to the legendary and powerful city of Camelot and hopefully find allies there before moving on to my kingdom, my home. But I never will forget that day for it changed my life forever..."

Now I remember. That was so very long ago, but all too real which means that... That woman is Elie's mother and that younger man his brother.

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