Chapter 8: Melinda

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    Melinda felt the bonds before she saw them. She opened her eyes, but the drug caused her vision to be a little fuzzy. It may have been nighttime, but she could see enough to be able to tell that she was in the trunk of a very nice van that was taking her somewhere. She tried to move, and realized she was not only bound, but strapped down to. Apparently whoever had kidnaped her thought they knew just who they were dealing with.

     Melinda attempted to work the knots with her teeth, and after a long time, got her hands free. She twisted around quietly to get the rope that secured her arms against her chest. It was hard to work Around the straps and try not to be heard by the driver. Years of practice, training, and experience always paid off, as it did now.

     May managed to free herself and carefully climbed over the back seat and behind the driver. The two people in the front seats were fully armed and wore dark hoods to cover their faces. She snuck up in the middle, behind them and moving quickly, slammed her elbow into the passenger seat side, easily knocking him out cold. The driver began violently swerving in attempt to throw May aside. He dodged an identical van and tried to draw his gun. For a split second, he was open for attack. May took it.

     She grabbed his arm and twisted it back, causing him to grunt in pain. She hit him hard in the jaw with her other arm, and he went unconscious. She cursed, realizing she had beat up the driver of a van that was barreling down the interstate at 70 miles an hour. She grabbed the steering wheel and swung into the seat, pushing the man aside. Only then did she notice all the identical vans escorting the car she was in down the road. Luckily, her vehicle was next to the shoulder, and escape wasn't impossible. The bad news was, all these vans were the only cars on this country road. And, there were vans behind, vans beside, and vans ahead.

     Melinda slowed the van, and braced herself before opening the driver side door and jumping out. The van crashed, and May landed carefully to absorb the shock. The woods weren't far from the road, and she dashed to the trees, the underbrush tearing at her legs. She could hear the cars pulling over and men shouting as they unloaded to chase her. But May wasn't about to give up any time soon.

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