Chapter 53 | Coffee Break

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Keith laughed and a grin settled on his face. "That just makes it better, princess."

Trace accepted the challenge and announced what time him and Keith were going to have a battle in the fight cage. Everyone in the coffee shop erupted in whispers once Trace and his friends left. I noticed some texting as they spoke and didn't have to ask to know that the trendy topic for today would be Trace and Keith's fight.

"Thanks," Keith said as he sat down in a booth. I was about to say something when the waiter came with our order. Keith beamed at the sight of his coffee and donuts and quickly began to eat. I reluctantly sat down and reached for my cup of coffee. "It doesn't matter if I win or not. I'm going to be satisfied by the fact that I get to punch this douche bag in the face."

"Oh, it does matter. Your ass better win otherwise I'm not forgiving you for what just happened." I took Keith off guard by my statement because he had an amused look on his face. "I don't support this, at all. But if you're going to do this then do it properly."

Keith smiled at me as he gulped down a good amount of his coffee. I was still waiting for mine to cool down. "Face it, you want me to beat his ass."

I didn't feel like replying to something so obvious so I settled with a smirk.

We couldn't stay there for too long because Keith noticed some cameras pointing towards us. We were nothing but a topic for gossip for everyone here. I stocked up on some more food from the coffee and we slowly made our way to the fight cage which was hidden beneath the rec center. Our plan was to wait in the car until it was time for the fight. Our hotel was far from it so I suggested the idea but there was no point in that since the stupid rental car wasn't working. It kept breaking down which was getting beyond exhausting but we managed to make it to the rec center at a decent time.

"I'm done with this thing." Keith said as the car jerked for the final time before the engine stopped. I laughed but nodded my head. "I seriously can't sit in this trash for the next twenty minutes. Lets just find a place to hang until its time."

I agreed and brushed my clothes with my hands to get the crumbled cookies off. I realized my phone had fell from my lap when the car jerked forward for the last time so I bent down to get it but it was too far to reach. "I'll just get it from the back," I mumbled and got out of the car. I tried to open the door of the backseat but with no luck. Keith was right, this car was a disappointment to say the very least. I kicked the door in frustration and checked if it would open this time but it still didn't. "I wish that felt a mark."

Keith chuckled as he got out of the car and waited for me. Thankfully the other door opened and I stretched over the seat to get my hand under the passenger seat. I felt around for my phone.

"Found it yet?" Keith asked from outside.

"No!" I yelled back at him. I was aimlessly moving my hand around in an attempt to grab it.

He sighed loud enough for me to hear and then I sensed he ducked into the car too because it moved a little. "Here, let me help." He said as he hovered over my back and turned the flash of his phone on. He pointed it on the floor and I tried to get as close to the floor as possible to see where my phone went. "I think it's that shiny thing over there." He told me. I tried not to focus on how close he was. He was almost pressed against me. I quickly grabbed my phone and pushed myself into an upright position.

That's when I heard something clicking.

Both of us screamed profanities as we struggled to get out of the car. This car must have belonged to Satan I thought as I pushed Keith out of it. Keith wasted no time running after the person who clicked photos of us. I knew there was no point in running after him because I saw his getaway car swerve towards him and the guy leapt inside the car and all the while we heard snickering and howling.

This was my life. I laughed humorlessly as Keith slowly walked towards me. "We had our clothes on and our faces couldn't be seen. I know that for a fact." Keith said reassuringly.

I almost nodded my head when something else came to my mind. "They probably snapped pictures of us this entire time." My arms flailed in the air.

"Bellamy wouldn't believe them." He said firmly. I thought about it, at this point I wasn't sure about it. Initially, Bellamy was a little uncomfortable with me and Keith being close friends but he got over it. But given our circumstances now, he could believe anything and we had no idea how those photos would portray this. All I knew was that I was going to have to get over my ego and talk to him soon enough just to clear this out. Keith was still talking as I snapped out of my thoughts. "I know how bad you want to play nurse after the fight but I think you should stay at least five feet away from me so they don't get more material to use against us."

I rolled my eyes at him as I failed to suppress my laugh. "I hate to say it but you're right. I don't know you."

Keith frowned and pouted his lips. "You forgot your piece of shit so soon?"

"Whatever," I shouted as I made my way to the CD store in the corner. It had stairs in the back room that led to the underground fight club. "You better win or I'll disown you."

Keith was never one to disappoint. The fight was tough but he won in the end. I wanted to give him the tightest hug ever but I kept a literal distance from him. Keith didn't seem to mind and ushered me out of the club before a mob would come after us. Both Keith and Trace had cheated but it didn't matter. The entire idea of this fight club was illegal.

We stayed up the entire night celebrating but regretted it in the morning when we had to go back home. Luckily Brianna was already at the airport when we arrived. She gave the two of us curious looks, especially Keith since he had scratches on his face and a swollen cheek. The cover story was that we had been mugged and Keith fought with the muggers. Brianna didn't doubt a word from us and gave a very dramatic reaction to the fake story Keith was telling her. It was too hard to shut him up and I low key didn't want to either because it was hilarious.

I tried my best to hold my laughing fit until I made it to my room or at home at least so she wasn't suspicious of anything but I burst out laughing as I got out of the car. Brianna asked what happened but I simply shook my head and ran inside, straight into my room and slammed the door shut in a hurry. I nearly screamed in shock as I saw Bellamy sitting at the edge of my bed with a grave look on his face.

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