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The Next Morning(harry is really tired because he has been working all day even at 1pm to 6 pm I didn't wake him up but I need to have breakfast so I just

looked around and I take a bath and I locked the door and after it I  wear a shirt and a short I was really hungry so I looked around the kitchen and I

make a coffee and I toast the bread and fried some bacon and egg then I just walk back to the room and I look at him and I wake him up and then he stares at me then he just wake up.

Harry:what a bad morning,seeing your face makes my morning so bad.

Taylor:yeah,yeah,get up and have some breakfast with me.

Harry:alright wait a sec.

Taylor:okay,I'll be just make some pancakes.(then I got to the kitchen and make some pancakes then I saw him fresh from a bath his wearing a bathrobe and a pants)

!Harry:so what have you prepare,be sure its not a poison.

Taylor:this uncultured swine.

Harry:you OLD LADY!

Taylor:just eat!

Harry:ow,smells boring(but he just eat what is prepared in the table each kind of I made)this food sucks,if your just hungry just call me not like this killing me by your food.

Taylor:yeah..yeah,stop talking you uncultured swine.

Harry:did you have a dream?after you have been drunk?(I was shock is that really real?!my reaction was O,O)

Taylor:yeah,it was YUCK!

Harry:was is it?

Taylor:its really EW!

Harry:tell me.

Taylor:why are you so interested?

Harry:why is it wrong?

Taylor:okay fine,you kissed me its really horrible .

Harry:EW!that sucks!your giving me goose bumps.

Taylor:yeah,I know its kinda a gross,that will never happen.(then I wash the dishes and clean the table)

Harry:(then we got out and again I followed him and another meeting exchanging of papers,signing of papers,explaining,looking around drinking

coffee,I watch their movements,it was really boring ands I notice its harry who looks young among all of them well its past 1pm and we haven't have our

lunch yet then at last they are saying goodbyes to them and then I followed Harry) Let's eat(at last)(then we eat our lunch I notice him eating just few foods maybe he lost his appetite)

Taylor:are you okay?


Taylor:(then I followed him going upstairs and doing again the papers and I can feel him,his so tired)So what do you want?

Harry:what do I want?nothing.

Taylor:okay,are you okay?

Harry:yeah,I feel just a little bit dizzy.

Taylor:do you want to go to the hospital.


Taylor:okay,then just continue that thing later you just sleep.

Harry:I can't .

Taylor:yes you can,why until now your so uggh.(then I just touch him and I can feel the heat)your hot,let me take you to the hospital wait a sec let me call(but he grabs my wrist shaking his head)

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