Chapter 17~My soulmate is a wolf, so why am i in love with a guy?

Start from the beginning

"I know, we've already had the pleasure of meeting, isn't that right Jakob?" my mom asked giving him a sweet smiled that seamed to make him nervous but he smiled back and said "Yes ma'am."

"Mom, what did you do?" I asked suspiciously looking back in fourth between them.

"I simply had the talk with him."

"You had the what?" I asked a little pissed.

"Oh come on honey, you cant expect me not to have the talk with my daughters first boyfriend." She said looking confused.

"Mom." I groan not wanting to know the details of that talk and oh no, no, no, no how could she do this to me, just because he was the first it didn't mean he had to know that.

"Okay, well I'm going to eat something and try to catch some sleep before you rip my head off." She said smiling and hugging me before she left.

Jakob pulled up a chair beside my bed and sat down.

"Was it horrible?" I asked knowing my mother it probably wasn't that pleasant.

"It wasn't too bad but I don't really have anything to compare it to, but your mom can get a little scary." He said smiling. I appreciated a lot that he let me know that I was his first too, because he probably notice my blushing when my dear mother mentioned that fact.

So two days and a week of missed school later, I was at home in my bed. it took a while to convince my mom to go back home because I was fine but I did and I actually kind of miss her. It was nice having her here but she promised to call more often which I was really looking forward to. I also had plans with Jakob tomorrow which I was also looking forward to, he was working for forgiveness quiet nicely, he brought me five red roses every day after our talk and there is just one more thing I need to forgive him and I honestly think he will do that tomorrow. My mom just left couple hours ago and even though I was fully recovered I still felt tired, the sun has set about an hour ago meaning it was about ten. I took a shower changed into cotton shorts and a large t-shirt and climbed into bed pulling the covers over my worn out body. Jake didn't come tonight and I appreciated the space he was giving me and I also appreciated that he was trying. It did not take sleep a long time to knock on my window and when it did I accepted it with pleasure, my last thought was of Jakob before sinking into unconsciousness.

Sweet morning, in my sweet and comfy bed, in my sweet room that didn't smell too clean like the hospital room always did. It was fairly early, maybe early eight or late seven, so I went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth and hair and decided to take a shower later, before I got ready for my date. After that I changed into shorts and a comfortable shirt and went to see what mama was doing. My grandparents have always been early birds so by that time they were up and about doing chores and things, so I helped mama with feeding the animals and watering the plants. When all those were finished we ate breakfast and I notice I had a missed text message from Jake : Hey beautiful, pick you up at 7?

Sure, don't be late handsome.- I messaged him back and it took less than a minute for him to send me a smiley face, which made me smile.

It was still early around maybe ten and since I had nothing else to do, I did something I haven't done in way too long, I read. After like two hours I called Andrea just to chat, which ended up being chatting about my date tonight and what I should wear I ended up decided to wear an ivory dress that hung loose to my mid thigh, but was pulled in under my chest, with a low cut but not low enough to make me look like I got picked up off the street. I would leave my hair to hang in loose curls down my back and do a light pink eye shadow with a bit of eye liner. After my shower around five, I did exactly as I planned and I looked better than usual but nothing too special.

My soulmate is a wolf, so why am I in love with a guy?Where stories live. Discover now