"I think we will; let me go make some dinner with Alyssa. What's her favorite food?"

"Shrimp alfredo with some garlic bread. It was one of the first questions I asked," he boasted.

I gave him a cheesy smile before taking off to the kitchen. Alyssa was already there waiting for me with the answer. After I had told her about them finishing the mating process, we decided to make her favorite dinner. She'll hopefully get used to us soon. I felt that she was a little off when she came.

When it was done, I set the table and contacted the boys that dinner was done. I got into the chair next to Alyssa so Taylor could have the one next to Joshua. It was little saddening since I always sat next to him after our first fight years ago.

They settled down and I waited for the conversation that would hopefully come.

"Shrimp alfredo," whispered Taylor breathlessly. "Thank you!" She shoved the food in her mouth with a gumption.

"Joshua told me it was your favorite; hope you like it since I made it for you!" She eyed me a bit before moving her gaze to Josh. Everyone else dug in but I think I was the only one to noticed that her eating slowed down after my words.

"What was it like living in your pack?" Alyssa tried to get another conversation flowing.

"I guess it was normal if anything is ever normal. I'm the beta's daughter so everyone treated me differently which bothered me. At least I was able to meet Josh because of it though?" She smiled with a little blush. Her eyes stayed on the table as she scooted closer to her mate.

The dinner went on but I couldn't help feel that she didn't like me. There was something wrong that I couldn't place.

Third POV

There were three girls inside of Joshua's bedroom. Joshua had gone off to Kailyn's room leaving them all alone. Only one conversation was going on and it was about Kailyn.

Taylor's wolf paced back and forth feeling apprehensive with this girl. It was setting Taylor on edge. Not really having anyone else in the pack, she seeked comfort from her friends.

"Why that little smug beast," growled Taylor. "She's stealing my man! He's supposed to be paying attention to me not her. Who does she think she is?"

"Um, Taylor?" one of her friends, Alicia, tried to get her attention. "That's his sister. According to the pack, they've been telling eachother everything. So, it's no wonder that he's going to her to boast about you being his mate."

She perked up at the sound of that. "You think he's boasting about me?"

"Were you not looking at his face? He could barely keep his eyes off of you. Those eyes held love that can only come from someone who he truly wants to spend the rest of his time with. You might not have noticed but everyone did. Kailyn seemed whelmed with joy; she really wanted to interact with you. Besides, that's Joshua's beloved sister, I don't think he would take it lightly if you hurt her and vice versa."

"Do you think she'll get along with me?"

"Wait a second," interrupted their other friend Patricia. "If they were really that close, do you think she'll give up her claim on him that easily? They're not even related. I think you need to get Joshua's full attention with her around so she knows the he's your territory."

"How will I do that?" Taylor rubbed her hand against her arm; something didn't feel right about what she implied. But, her wolf wanted to take any action to get the she wolf away from him.

"I don't know? Start rumors about yourself and say they originated from her?" Patricia put as a question but knew this was the only action to get what needed to be done, done. She had spent way too long getting to this point. Nothing would stop her now.

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