[s] cricky : sex ed teacher

Start from the beginning

"What's wrong?" He mocked, "I thought you wanted a demonstration?" Mister Cerulli placed his hand over his own pants, slowly palming himself. He laughed we he saw his student wasn't looking away. In fact, Ricky's hands were grasping the edge of his desk desperately. "You want me, don't you? That's why you act out in class. It's no different than when little boys pull on girls hair on the playground. They don't know how to deal with their emotions." 

"I, um, I-" Ricky shook his head, trying to dig up some confidence, "Well, what the fuck do you expect from me? Teachers aren't supposed to look like you. They're supposed to look like losers, not goth daddies." He stood up quickly and grabbed his bag. 

Considering he couldn't control himself that well, and being a virgin he was nervous as Hell for anything to actually happen, he felt running away was his best option. He'd have to face his teacher once again the next day, but for now, his instinct was the run. Of course, that wasn't going to happen. Mister Cerulli grabbed him by the back of his hair, pulling him against his body. 

"You're not going anywhere until I'm certain you've learned your lesson." His deep voice spoke close to Ricky's ear, sending chills down the smaller's spine. "I'll give you the choice. I could wash your mouth out with soap, or I could stick something else in there. Pick your poison."

Well, there was no getting out of this, was there? He couldn't overpower his teacher even if he wanted to. But, Ricky considered his options. He'd end up on his knees for a man eventually. How many people get lucky enough to say their first was someone as hot as Mister Cerulli? And, well, it probably tasted a Hell of a lot better than soap.

Mister Cerulli let go of him to allow him to make his decision. He leaned against the front of his desk and watched him carefully. Ricky dropped his things to the ground and turned around nervously. He swallowed any fear he had left before slowly kneeling down to the ground. A sinister smile grew on Mister Cerulli's face as he watched the boy fall into submission.

"That's what I thought." He said, undoing his belt. Mister Cerulli pushed his pants and underwear down just enough for his cock to fly out. Ricky looked up at him with the most innocent, scared look he'd ever managed. "Oh, now you're shy?" 

"Well, you don't exactly have a small dick." Ricky sassed him.

He made a tsk-tsk noise and grabbed a handful of his student's hair. "You're a piece of work, aren't you?" 

Mister Cerulli guided Ricky's head closer, his mouth opening almost instinctually. It was weird, considering he'd never sucked a cock before in his life. It's almost like his body wanted this more than he did, and knew exactly what to do. Ricky choked quickly, as anyone would do in his position. His teacher pushed him back down almost immediately. 

Ricky's spit began to drip down his chin and his eyes were watering. He was becoming a mess in a matter of minutes. Surprisingly, though, it didn't take much effort for him to learn how to suck cock properly. He got the motions down easily. Sure, he could use some work, but it was only his first time. Mister Cerulli could forgive his inexperience. He pulled him back to allow him to catch his breath.

"Do you know why you're so turned on right now?" He asked.

"Your cock was just down my throat?" Ricky sneered.

"Well, yes, but the reason why it turns you on. There are nerves in the back of your throat that experience pleasure when they're stimulated. No different than the ones on your prostate, which make anal sex so pleasurable. Of course, it can also be painful if you don't do it properly."

"Do people normally talk this much when they're getting head?" 

Mister Cerulli shrugged, "I'm just telling you what you've been wanting to know. Even if you were just being a piece of shit, it's still my job to properly educate you. Stand up, and let me continue to properly educate you." Ricky barely got to his feet before he was thrown over the desk. His dominant pulled a bandana out of his pocket and shoved it in his mouth. "I can't have you making too much noise. I don't need to get in trouble, too." 

He unbuttoned his shirt and tossed it on the desk. Ricky glanced back to see he had even more tattoos on his chest. His abs were fucking godly. He had a perfect V-line that led straight to his huge cock. Mister Cerulli reached into his pocket again and pulled out a condom. He got himself properly wrapped in a split second. Obviously, he had maybe a little too much experience. He ripped down Ricky's jeans impressively fast, too. 

Mister Cerulli reached forward, pulling the gag out of his mouth briefly. He forced his fingers down Ricky's throat, making him choke. His teacher took his now wet fingers and ran them across his entrance. He spread Ricky's own spit all over his ass with one hand, gagging him again with the other. Ricky nearly screamed when he felt one of those fingers pop into him. If that was just a finger, he was fucking terrified of what an actual cock would feel like. 

Slowly, his teacher stretched him out until he had four fingers in his tight little ass. Mister Cerulli pulled his hand away and quickly replaced it with his tip. He placed his hands on the desk on either side of Ricky and slowly pushed in. The way the teen cried and whimpered at the same time just made him harder. He loved the feeling of power. With each thrust, the pleasure was starting to overtake the pain. It was so intense, though. It was a whole new kind of torture. Torture that didn't hurt, but still ripped apart your soul. 

Ricky reached towards the edge of the desk and grasped onto it for dear life. His hips were hit into the other end of the desk over and over, yet he didn't even notice amongst all the chaos being wreaked on his body. Mister Cerulli didn't hold back in fucking him until he couldn't see straight. A bundle of tension started to ball up in Ricky's stomach. He let out an embarrassingly whorish moan as he suddenly came harder than he'd ever cum before.

With a few more thrusts and grunts, Mister Cerulli released moments later. He certainly had the ability to last longer, but he had other work still to finish. Plus, part of him did feel bad for forcing himself on Ricky, even if the teen obviously wanted it. He pulled out, earning one last whimper from his student. Mister Cerulli disregarded his protection into the trash and tucked himself back into his pants. 

He pulled the gag from Ricky's mouth and helped him stand up. Grabbing his shirt off the desk, he noticed the pool of cum a few inches away. "Clean that up." He demanded, "With your mouth. Then you can be done, for today."

Ricky gave him a tired and pathetic look. "For today?"

Mister Cerulli grinned mischievously. "I think you could use some extra tutoring from now on, don't you?"

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