Ghorror | Teacher BDSM [S]

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Written by Nøna and Gabby | This is one Gabby and I started awhile back and I completely forgot about. Whoops. Anywho, Gabby wrote everything up to the door being locked. I took it from there. Enjoy :) - Nøna

"Alright class, settle down!" Mr. Olson came in the room with his messy black hair, and black button up. I swear if only I could-

No. Stop it Devin. You're his student, and he's you're teacher.

"Alright, lets get straight to business. I'll come around to collect your papers you've written about whatever topic you have chosen in American History."

I quickly got out my folder, only to realize that I left it on the kitchen counter. I felt my heart drop into my stomach, I can't afford to get a zero on this assignment, I'm already failing as it is.

"Sola?" Mr. Olson cleared his throat causing me to look up. My eyes immediately were greeted with his blue, gray orbs. His face was just so perfectly sculpted, almost as if you touched it, it would ruin the masterpiece I call my teacher.

"I'm waiting." He gave me a stern look, causing the black eyeshadow around his eyes look like an endless pit of darkness.

"I-I left it on my counter." Fuck. I felt my face start to burn up so I shot my head down to the floor.

He placed a hand on my shoulder and leaded down into my ear. "See me after class." His voice gave me chills down to the bottom of my spine.

A couple oh's were said by my fellow classmates as Mr. Olson continued to collect papers. Fuck you all.

I hope he's not too mad at me. But then again, sex when he's mad must be amazing.

What? No Devin! Just focus on school work.

Class flew by faster than usual and I still didn't understand anything. Not like that was new. Everyone filed out of the class while I stayed in my seat trying to be as small as possible.

"Mr. Sola, care to explain why you've been failing my class?" Mr. Olson's voice deep filled the room.

"Sir, I-" I stopped myself. "I just don't understand anything about it."

"If you don't understand anything, then why don't you just come up to me? Instead you stay quiet and not speak up?" I kept my head down, looking at my shoes but I could feel his stare burning into me.

"I'm sorry." I sighed out.

"Devin," I heard the sound of his shoes clicking closer to me. Before I knew it his hand was under my chin and holding my face up. "Don't be afraid to ask. I don't bite-" He cut himself off. "Hard." His voice became deeper and raspier, it was almost as if he was teasing me. "Are you aware that you have an F in my class?" He walked back to his desk leaving me with only his sent lingering in the air.

"Y-yes sir." I mumbled.

"And do you know what happens to bad boys who fail my class like you?" He pulled something out from his desk, but I couldn't see what it was.


"No what?" He looked back up and arched his eyebrow.

"No Sir." My breaths were getting shorter and faster, and my heart felt like it was going to fly out of my chest.

He slowly made his way to the door, closing and locking it before dropping the curtain over the small window. Mr. Olson made his way over to my desk. The flash of something silver in his hand caught my attention, but I still couldn't tell what it was. He rested his hands on either side of my desk as he leaned forward. Our faces were inches apart and his cologne was starting to affect me more than I'd want to admit.

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