Chapter 5

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It was the weekend and I had no plans whatsoever. As much as I love trying to divide my time equally between Elena, Bonnie and Caroline, Jeremy, Tyler( and sometimes Matt). I needed some me time. My dad decided that it would be a good time for daddy/daughter bonding time. Which meant training. I love my dad, I do, it's just he always wants me to train so that I can always protected myself. Though I am already stronger than the average human, thanks to my genetics? I don't know what to call it. Both sides of my biological parent's families are born werewolves, but not everyone is blessed/cursed with this gift. Like Ric for example, he came out normal.

"Dad? Are we ever gonna have normal father daughter bonding time?" I asked my dad attempting to catch my breath. We've been at this all day. I think we even missed lunch. My dad just shook his head at me.

"Oh it's already 4!" My dad said surprised. I just gave him a look. " Fine we were done for today. Tomorrow is the Mystic Falls Bachelors things, so yeah" I snorted at that, my dad one of Mystic Falls most eligible bachelors? No offence to him it's just weird.

"Aren't you dating Jenna?" I asked him. My loves her and he's really happy, it's nice. Jenna she's so sweet, we've been over to the Gilbert's a bunch of times for dinner or my dad would drop me off there while he and Jenna went out to dinner. Not that I minded, Elena or Jeremy would always be home to entertain me. Even Stefan, Elena's boyfriend and sometimes his brother, Damon would be over. Yes, the Damon Salvatore would be over there. It's a little weird, but wasn't my house, so I never questioned it.

"Yeah, well, I got pressured into it by Carol Lockwood. That woman is so persistent," He said taking a seat on the couch. I crinkled my nose at that. 

"Dad, really? And I'll be there tomorrow too. Caroline asked me to help her with the tickets" I said trying to get home off of the couch," you're sweaty and gross". I finally got him off. I was pushing on his back leading him towards his bedroom.  He started leaning backwards.

"Oh no!  Gravity is increasing on me!" He said practically dropping all his weight on me. Lilo and Stitch really? I wasn't expecting it and couldn't catch my self in time and fell to the floor.

" You're the worst," I breathed out from under him he just laughed and said he was going to shower and told me to order a pizza. I rolled my eyes at him and grabbed my laptop to order the pizza. When I was done, I went to my room to take a shower too.


To: Maya

From: Caroline

I'll see you at the Bachelor Auction tomorrow. See you at 9!

Yup, Caroline my neurotic control freak best friend. Gotta love her!

I had about 6 other messages from Elena, Bonnie, Jackson, and Derek. Derek and I don't talk as often as we should but we try. I tried replying to all of them, but my dad took my phone from me. I gave him a grumpy face while I ate  more pizza. He just laughed me.

"This this father-daughter bonding day. Cell phones are forbidden. Time to come back to the real world world for a little bit and talk to me. I feel like I don't know what's going on in your life anymore," he said trying to have a heart-to-heart. I know he's trying to fill both the mother and father roles.

"That's because I actually have a life now Dad. I made friends this time. I actually feel somewhat normal this time," I explained to him," I know things aren't normal here, but this is the most normal I've felt in a long time". He gave me a sympathetic smile. We've been vampire hunting ever since my Aunty, his wife, died.

"I'm sorry and I know things haven't been easy for you-" I cut him off before he could go on. I don't blame him for anything, he's hurt. I did the same when my house was burned down.


"Okay, so this is pretty easy just give them how ever many tickets they want. Remember $2 a ticket," Caroline explained. I laughed and nodded my head

"Oh my god! Look at that that the 5th women to hit on Matt!" The blonde exclaimed. I only laughed again.

"Your boyfriend is total cougar bait, Care!" She glared at me, then turned to help the next person in line. There were a lot of older women here today. They just kept piling in. Matt's mom, Kelly, came in insulted Caroline and practically begged Elena to get back with Matt. Awkward and I don't like her one bit. I excused my self to go to the bathroom and on my way there I bumped into someone. I began to apologize, until I looked up and met the icy blue eyes of Damon Salvatore.

"Hey,Hey, buy a ticket like everyone else," he said donning his usual smirk.

"Nah, no thanks I'm not really into sociopathic leeches," I hissed at him. This dude is really the worst. I pushed pass him, I really needed to pee. Damon grabbed my forearm and spun me back around, so that I was facing him.

"Come on, Amaya I know you want me. Just admit it already" I ripped my arm away from his grip and kept walking. He's amazingly hot, but that hotness is totally trumped by the fact that he's a sociopathic vampire! He tried to bite me once, thank god for vervain. He sure learned his lesson. [Evil giggle inserted here]


"Have you heard from Tyler?" Caroline asked. I shook my head,"Nope".

"I even texted him the other day to see if he would be here today, but he never got back to me. I told him I wanted to slow things down, not to stop everything completely. I thought everything was going really good between us. Then I remember, we weren't even in an actual relationship in the first place. He's made is obvious he's trying to avoid me, so I'm just going to let me. What am I supposed to do," I said handing another woman her tickets.

"Uh confront him?" Matt said as it was the most obvious thing in the world. I rolled my eyes at him. He's on break and decided to hang around with us.

"Yeah, whatever Ken! Cause it's so easy to do that without looking like a crazy person," I huffed at him. Jenna came to the table to get tickets.

"Hey Jenna! I already got your tickets. GO win your man!" I winked at her. She winked and thanked me. Then walked off.

"Seriously Maya, just talk to Tyler. I'm sure you guys can workout whatever the hell happened between you out," Matt said trying to be helpful. But it wasn’t working, I felt so bad and he actually got mad. I don't know how to feel about it.

"Maybe it's for the best Maya. If he wants to be a jerk, then move on and make him regret you. Don't listen to Matt, he doesn't know the whole story," Caroline said comfortingly. I just giggle at her.

"Wow Caroline Forbes, not trying to corrupt my innocence?" I said sarcastically, "Hell must have frozen over!"

"Shut up Maya!" She retorted, punching me in the arm. Hard.


"Oh yeah. L.A, New York..A couple of years ago I was in North Carolina, near the Duke campus actually. I think..I think Alaric went to school there, didn't you Rick? Yea, except I know your wife did. I had a drink with her once. She was..she was a great girl. Did I ever tell you that? Cause she," I heard the voice of Damon Salvatore say. I turned to face them and the shock I felt and saw on my dad's face made my blood boil. I could feel myself shifting. Is this just a game to him?

I rushed to the door and saw Elena and Stefan outside. I don't know what happened, but it looked like something really big happened outside. I could smell blood. They turned to look at me and their eyes widen. I was confused. Elena looked distraught. She just found out her biological mother and my aunt had been killed by Damon Salvatore.

"Maya, what's wrong with your eyes?" Stefan asked in a hush whisper. I caught a glimpse of myself in the reflection of the Mystic Grill windows and saw that my eyes were golden. I panicked.

"Please, don't tell!" I pleaded with them before running off into the nearest woods and fully shifting unable to control my emotions.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2014 ⏰

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