Chapter 1

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First day of school at a new school. I can do this, I can totally do this... OK, maybe I lied, I can't do this. We (my dad and I) have been moving across the country for what reason? I have no idea why Dad wouldn't tell me, but I love my dad, so I didn't question it and went along with it. Though, he technically isn't my real father he is the closest thing I have to one. I'm just guessing it has something to do with vampires. See, my dad is a high school teacher by day, and vampire hunter by night. It's pretty cool, I guess; he trained me, so that I could protect myself just in case. Lost in my thoughts, I didn't notice my Dad calling my name,

"Maya! Maya! Amaya, hello?" I snapped out of my thoughts and I saw my dad looking at me amused " are you coming out of the car or do you plan on sitting in the car all day?" I rolled my eyes at him.

"Do I have to go? I mean you're a teacher, why can't you just homeschool me?" I asked. He laughed and practically dragged me out of the car and into the school. Walking down the hall people stopped and watched us. This must be a small town, I'm guessing there aren't used to new people. After a short journey, we stopped off at the office, where I got my schedule and other things. Before I could escape my grabbed my arm and turned me around to face him.

"Are you gonna be okay?" He asked. I nodded.

"I'll be fine. Don't worry Dad. I'm a big girl, " I said, giving him a hug. I walked off trying to read the map to find my first class, which was math. I walked down different hallways trying to find my math class. I finally found it and walked in right before the bell rang. After math, I had Gym. Nothing interesting really happened. And FINALLY it was lunchtime. I rushed out of the locker rooms to my Dad’s classroom. I had promised I would have lunch with him today.

"Hey Dad!" I said, taking a seat in front of his desk and pulling out my luchables- don't judge me okay, I love lunchables-

"Hey Maya. How's your day going? How are the classes?" He asked, taking a bite out of his sandwich. I gave him a seriously? Look.

“It's going okay, I guess," I said shrugging.

“Have you tried talking to anyone? Make any new friends?” He asked. I gave him another look. He sighed, “Maya trust me, it won't hurt you to try to make new friends”

“Welllll you never know” I singsong and kept eating my lunchables," It just might".

A guy appeared in the doorway. A very, very cute guy, might I add.

“Hey Mr. Saltzman! My name is Jer- oh, um sorry Ill come back later” The guy said.

“Um no its okay, I’ll just go. I’ll see you later Mr. Saltzman,” I said with amusement. I was about to walk out of the when Dad stopped me.

“Maya wait. Jeremy Gilbert right?” Dad asked the guy. He nodded and leaned on a desk in the front. I took a seat at the desk nearest to the door.

“You know your old teacher had a Jackass file. It has a type label. It has all the troublemakers in it, but really its an opus to you.” Dad laughs and stands up and throws the fill full with papers in the trash can. “But I’m not him. Clean slate.” He goes on and on about Jeremy’s grade and gives him an opportunity to get back on track.

“Okay, now THAT is over” Dad signals me over “ Jeremy Gilbert I’d like you to meet my daughter Amaya Hale. As a favor for me, since I AM after all giving you this wonderful opportunity. I was hoping you could show my niece around a little bit” Before I could protest Jeremy cut me off.

“Sure thing, Mr. Saltzman. No problem” He said and signaled me to follow him. I gave a glare to my dad’s smug smile and followed Jeremy out the door. When we were a safe distance away my dad's classroom, I turned to Jeremy.

Where is your heart? (Vampire Diaries and Teen Wolf Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now