IReply@theultimatehoyinator: "So it's been confirmed? They're actually dating, because ew."

IReply@kirstan101: 'Nothing's been confirmed @theunltimatehoyinator we don't even know that it's him for sure. It's just his fans that want him to actually be dating someone famous cause no one knows who he is."

IReply@kirstans_scooter: "You're so right @kirstan101 it can't be him cause she wouldn't date someone like him :) #scirstie"

IReply@kaitlyn_lee24: "@kirstan101 @theultimatehoyinator @kirstans_scooter I think it's safe to say that Kirstin's worst song is Can't Sleep Love"

IReply@kirstan101: "No doubt @kaitlyn_lee24 he's not even a good songwriter like how did he win a grammy??"

IReply@kaitlyn_lee24: "I have no idea @kirstan101 but that song that won that grammy is pretty shitty for real though"

IReply@kirstans_scooter: "If @kirstin and @scotthoying had written a song together it would have been perfect. But Avi's not even hot but it's okay cause it's not him, it's probably some guy she doesn't even know :) #scirstie"

IReply@scottzilla: "Avi Kaplan is irrelevant"

IReply@kirstans_scooter: "Preach @scottzilla"

IReply@amberwashere2: "I hate to burst ya'lls bubble but I'm the girl you cropped out of the pic with Kirstie and it is Avi in the background. She was legit on his back as they went through the forest, and when I asked her about her music she said Avi brought her up there to help her write songs and that he is helping her with them, so that's basically her career down the sink :("

IReply@tra5hpile: "Avi Kaplan is such a dick for fucking with her music! She's perfect the way she is"

IReply@kristie_krusty_Kirstie: "Aww come on guys there's no need for you to be so horrible about Avi, I'm not a fan of his music but I really liked Can't Sleep Love, Kirstie's voice sounded so real, it was like because of Avi's say there was no auto-tune and it was so wholesome compared to a lot of her stuff. And don't get me started on how many times you guys have tagged Kirstin, like what if her and Avi are actually dating (we don't know because she hasn't confirmed it) and she saw all this, how would she feel if you guys were all being awful to someone she really cares about?"

IReply@krustymaldonado: "I agree with @kristie_krusty_kirstie you guys are taking this a little too far for something that hasn't even been confirmed. They wrote one song together that's it. Please get over yourselves."

IReply@scottzilla: "@krustymaldonado and @kristie_krusty_kirstie are irrelevant.

IReply@kristie_krusty_kirstie: "Wow, so clever @scottzilla round of applause #immature"

IReply@100_luv_Avi: "When you wonder where all the twelvies went and find them on this thread #kaviforlife"

IReply@kirstans_scooter: "Petition to block all Avi fans and Kavi shippers #scirstie"

IReply@theultimatehoyinator: "I second that for days #scirstie"

IReply@kirstan101: "#scirstie"

IReply@kaitlynlee24: "I don't ship #scirstie but I hate Avi"

IReply@scottzilla: "#scirstie #aviisirrelevant"

IReply@tra5hpile: "Nice one @scottzilla #scirstie #aviisirrelevant"

IReply@waffles_r_us: "#scirstieshippersareimmature"

IReply@music_hoe: "I know the grammy thing was back a bit now but we forgot to mention how Kirstie should have one not Avi XD"

IReply@kirstans_scooter: "I agree 100 per sent @music_hoe"

IReply@i_bees_jack: "Who dis Avi loser? She oughta foget him and fuk me"

IReply@kirstans_scooter: "She belongs with @scotthoying sorry @i_bees_jack but I'm sure you'd be above the list before that ugly caveman XD"

IReply@bellasfella4: "Nah yous got it wrong she's my fuck buddy, beat you to it @i_bees_jack XD"

IReply@i_bees_jack: "Whos Bella then @bellasfella4?"

IReply@bellasfella4: "Oh don't you know, that's my special pet name for her, it means beautiful. I call her Bella when I drill her XD"

IReply@sansakaplan: "I'm not a fan of Kirstin but this is getting disgusting, no one deserves to be disrespected like this. Kirstin is a human, not your sex toy to fight over, just because she sings about sex doesn't mean she's going to do it with every guy that makes a pass. You two are disgusting and I won't stand for that."

IReply@kirstans_scooter: "Thank you @sansakaplan I didn't know what to say to shut them up :P"

IReply@sansakaplan: "Just use your brain and stop encouraging any kind of hate, even though you don't like Avi and clearly ship Kirstin with Scott doesn't mean you should be hating on Avi. People like you are the exact reason he doesn't have social media. As a fan of his I would love nothing more than to be able to get twitter updates from him daily like you do with Kirstin, to know when he's working on new music and to get a small insight into his personality that isn't just through his music and the odd interview. Count yourself lucky and don't take it for granted, what if Kirstin deleted her account tomorrow because of all this?"

IReply@kirstans_scooter: "If it makes you feel any better @sansakaplan we haven't had anything from Kirstie in a few days :P"

IReply@sansakaplan: "That doesn't make me feel better. But you know why that is? Why you haven't heard from her?"

IReply@kirstans_scooter: "No why? @sansakaplan"

IReply@sansakaplan: "It's because she's up in the mountains where Avi goes to write, he's taken her there. They're probably together, like a couple and I don't ship it but that's because I'm not a Kirstin fan. I'm not a fan of her music and I'm not a fan of her persona, I just hope that Avi is getting to see a side of her that the rest of us don't. If them being together lets us see the real side of Kirstin then I will be happy for them and maybe even ship them."

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A/N: I really hope the formatting doesn't screw up in publishing, otherwise it'll make even less sense, lol XD

Hannah :)

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