Chapter Fourteen

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A/N: It's been a long time coming with this one. I kind of went off it since this is the one I used for my coursework for my degree, and class ruins things for yourself people, it really does.
     I had the first part written for so long I actually forgot I had it until I opened the document yesterday. So you can thank Kelsey for this update, she chose it when she won, so... this one's for you Kelsey :)

Chapter 14

"Where are we going?" Avi asks as Kirstie pulls him at a run back down the hall they'd come.
     "I know where May is, it's all good now," she replies with heavy breaths before they come to a stop just outside the building.
     "I thought you wanted to talk to her?" Avi asks through gasps for air.
     "It can wait," Kirstie stands up straight, "So should we go to your place or mine, I haven't been to yours yet." She asks knowing he wouldn't want to actually go out somewhere.
      "What? Why don't we just go to the Orange room, do some writing?"
     Kirstie shakes her head, "No, I can't be here while he's here."
     "Who? Scott Hoying?" Avi raises an eyebrow, "Why?"
     Kirstie looks down, "Don't be mad."
     "Why would I be mad?" he asks with a frown.
     "Scott and I dated, well kind of," she sighs.
     "So what. I've dated other people too. Just as long as you don't still like him then it's fine. You don't still like him right?"
     "I don't think I do."
    Avi's eyebrows shoot up, "Pardon."
     "He dumped me because he was jealous of how much better my career was going, and I won that stupid Nickelodeon award that he was nominated for as well."
     "Well that's a pretty stupid reason, but I still need a certain answer from you Kirstie. Do you still like Scott?"
     She shakes her head, "No, no I like you more."
     "As in you still like him?" Avi asks confused.
     "No!" She groans, "No, I like you more now than I liked him in the past. Plus I think he might be gay, he's never said it but he stared at boys more than me when we were dating, not to mention like when I said that Ryan Gosling was super hot and he agreed. So I don't think you really have anything to worry about."
     "That is so typical that you think Ryan Gosling is hot," Avi laughs.
Kirstie frowns, "You're not mad about him too right? Cause I've never met him he was always just my celebrity crush, you must have had one too?"
     "I'm not mad about Ryan Gosling, I'm just saying he's like the typical girl choice, but Sofia Vergara," he nods, "I never really had one until her."
     "Well I think she's a typical guys choice," Kirstie folds her arms.
     "A typical guys choice would be Megan Fox or one of the Victoria's Secret Models, which I don't get at all."
     She rolls her eyes, "Sure you don't, even I can say they're all super-hot, like can you believe Miranda Kerr has had a child!"
     She points at him, "Don't you play games with me. Next you'll be saying you don't know who Kim Kardashian is."
     Avi looks down nervously. Kirstie's eyes widen.
     "Oh shit, you don't! Just how under a rock are you Avi?!"
     "Okay, so I may have heard her name, but I wouldn't recognise her. It's musicians I know, even if I don't like their music," he shrugs.
     She sighs, "I'm going to have to educate you."


The next day at KO Studios Kirstie was avoiding Scott like the plague, she knew that they were semi-cool after the whole thing blew up between the Kirstans and the Hoyinators. They'd posted a picture to prove that were still friends and didn't hate each other after the break up like all the fans seemed to think. It had literally been her fans versus his and his fans spread nasty rumours about Kirstie, and her fans did the same to Scott. Things got way out of hand when they saw one of her Kirstans tell one of his Hoyinators to go kill themselves then a bunch of his fans came to that fan's aid and bullied the Kirstan into deleting her account. They had to take action, and they took that picture, Mitch was in it too, a group of friends, hanging out, not 100 per cent real, but it 100 percent worked.
      But 'semi-cool' wasn't cool enough for her to seek him out or even talk to him. She had never gotten over the fact that he cared more about some stupid award than he did about her. And she knew now that the best thing about Avi was that it was most likely that they'd never be nominated in the same award categories, their music style and general presence was just too different, but a good kind of different.
      Kirstie decides to go and hide in the dance studio. She always likes it in there, the music going, people always choreographing something, a music video, a concert. It was a fun place, her favourite place, sometimes she reckoned she liked to dance more than she did sing. She could put that down to the fact that she wasn't really singing at the moment, she was writing and dancing came far easier than writing songs for her. She needed more help, but if she got more help from Avi she was worried that her sound would start to become more like his. Now there was nothing wrong with Avi's sound, it was so pretty and she loved it, but he doesn't budge and her music needed to sound like her, especially with only three songs left to fill out on the album.
     When Kirstie finally reaches the dance studio she is disappointed to find the door locked and music blaring from behind a door that had a sign reading 'keep out'. Clearly some top secret dance routine was being rehearsed, she understood, but she didn't like it. Now where was she supposed to go? She wasn't in the studio with Kevin for another couple of hours, someone else would be in the orange room by now. She sighs then stands up straighter, usually Avi was always first to the Orange room. A smile forms across her face before she takes off down the hall, her heels only slowing her slightly.
     The door to the Orange room is closed too, but there's no keep out sign so she knocks, smile still in place.
     "If it's Esther or Kevin, come in, if not go away," the familiar low voice calls out, her smile drops. Avi hadn't listed her.
     "What about me?" she asks leaning right against the door, hoping he could hear her better that way, even somehow feel through the door that she really wanted to see him.
     "Oh, Kirstie? No yeah you can come in."
     With her smile back in place she opens the door to the man dressed in black with his guitar in his arms and a notebook in front of him.
     "Is this really where you write best?" Kirstie raises an eyebrow as she closes the door behind her.
     Avi shakes his head, "Nah, this is where I fine tune best. I write best when I'm out with nature, just me and my guitar chilling with the trees, no city noise," he nods with a calming grin.
     Kirstie drops besides him, careful of his guitar, "I wonder if that would work for me? I have three songs to write and I need desperate help."
     "You don't have to write your songs alone, we told you that, Kevin can find song writers to help you."
     Kirstie sighs, "But you do it on your own, why can't I?" she pouts, leaning her chin on his shoulder, looking up at him through her eyelashes.
     He smiles, "You look so cute when you do that," he chuckles. "And besides, I don't do it all on my own, Kevin really helps me out sometimes, it might just be a couple of words or a sentence here and there, sometimes: believe it or not, he sometimes even helps me to word things so they sound more like me."
      Kirstie frowns, "How?"
      "Because he knows me better than anyone, even Esther. That's what you need, someone who knows you inside and out, knows how you talk and the way you say things... oh what's his name? Mitch?"
     Kirstie shakes her head, "Mitch doesn't write his own lyrics though."
     "Neither does Kevin," Avi shrugs, "He produces the music. You just need to write something, then show it to M-"
     "I see that you don't get it, I haven't written anything Avi. The only one I've got is the one I wrote with you and even then you did most of the work!" she stresses, leaning against the back of the sofa, her arms folded across her chest.
      "Then I'll take you camping."
     Kirstie's eyebrows shoot up, "You'll what now?"
     "When I want to write I go camping, we might as well try it for you. I mean I do better when I'm on my own, but you thrive with people so having me there might be helpful," he smiles.
      "Avi I don't camp, I don't deal with tents or outdoor plumbing."
     Avi laughs, "Don't worry I have a cabin up in the mountains. The toilet is inside, but the shower isn't, don't ask me why it was just like that when I bought it. Besides we should probably only go for a couple of days so if you didn't want to use that shower it's not the end of the world."
     Kirstie's face is deadpan as she listens, "The cabin part sounded good and then you kept talking and now I don't want to go anymore."
      "I will cook for you, I will get any bugs that come near you, Sansa and Tyrion can come with us, they'd love it. And , and you know the best part? No Esther, there's no cell service up there so she can't call in the middle of anything," he grins.
     Kirstie raises an eyebrow, "No cell service?"
     Avi rolls his eyes, "Please tell me that's not the only thing you heard me say?"
     She chuckles, "No, I heard all of it, but if there's no cell service, no wifi, how will I live?"
     "Kirstin, that's sad. Come on let's just go, we can leave whenever you want. And the thing is, it sounds like a such a good idea that I'm going with or without you, I just reckon it'll be a hell of a lot more fun with you," he gives her a quick wink with a smirk.
     A smirk forms on her own face as she thinks over the offer that honestly the more she thought about the more she liked it, a whole weekend with Avi to just focus on music and them. Perfect.

A/N: If you guys could come up with fan names for Avi's fans and Mitch's fans (because far as I know there aren't any for any of the members individually) it would be greatly appreciated, even something better for Scott lol XD

Hope you liked the chapter.

Hannah :)

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