It's okay to give up sometimes

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In the wide, grassy fields of Africa lived a group of cheetahs.

The cheetahs loved to feed on antelopes. First, they would crouch down low, and then cautiously inch towards their prey, trying not to expose themselves at the same time. When they find that they're close enough, they'd pounce on the poor antelope with all their might.

However, the antelopes, being the agile creatures they are, would manage to escape the cheetahs' claws of death. The antelopes would run for their lives, with the cheetahs hot on their heels behind them.

Seven, six, five, four hundred metres...the gap between the two closes at a speedy rate as the antelopes begin to tire out. But shockingly, the cheetahs stop in their tracks, and give up on chasing their prey.

But why? They were so close!

Although the cheetah is the fastest animal, with their speed reaching up to 120 km/h, they do not have ample energy to keep up with that pace for long. Once its speed goes above 110km/h, its respiratory and circulatory system are pushed to their maximum, and its energy is used up rapidly. Say if the cheetah continues to chase its prey but eventually fails, it could starve to death, due to its lack of energy for hunting again.

A cheetah gives itself only 30 seconds to catch its prey, which is to say that they must catch their prey within 800 meters of running. This is a method which allows them to conserve enough energy for their next chase, if they fail the previous one. Once the cheetah surpasses this time / distance limit, they will give up on catching their prey.

Many in the modern age have been taught from young to never give up, to keep trying and fighting for what they want until they get it. They fight so hard for what they want, having the mindset that they must have it no matter what. And when these people fail, their confidence would be shattered, and they would take a long time to recover from that one failure.

Looking at the cheetah's method of hunting, it gives us some food for thought: if our circumstances does not allow us to achieve success in something, do will still press on and continue fighting? Yes you can, and with that little bit of luck, maybe you'll achieve that success. But if that fails too, maybe consider giving up.

Be brave and give up when you know it's time to do so. Don't be stubborn, sometimes giving up can be a good thing. Remember, god does not close a door without opening another. Who knows, if you give up on something that is holding you down, you might find a new opportunity to achieve success somewhere else.

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