Unexpected Visitors and Broken Promises (3)

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I had just finished unpacking everything into the small room on the tourbus which was usually Scott's. He said he'd sleep on the couch. Hey, if I get a bed, I'm not arguing. Finally, I pulled the plain blue bedspread off, swapping it with my pink and black one. "Much better." I smiled, plopping down on the bed and grabbing my phone again.

I laid back against the pillow, logging into Facebook as a knock sounded off of the small sliding door. "Yes, I'm finished unpacking, Scott." I muttered, never looking up from my newsfeed. I heard a slight chuckle which I knew wasn't Scott's. I looked up, seeing the door slide open and being greeted with a bright smile and a pair of brown eyes.

"Justin.." I smiled, sitting up straight and tossing my phone onto the nightstand. "Sorry I'm not who you expected." he chuckled, closing the door back and sitting down on the corner of the full-sized bed. "No no. It's fine. I'm kinda getting sick of my brother anyway."      He raised an eyebrow.       

  "He's always telling me what to do. I hate it." I frowned, rolling my eyes."Ah, I understand." he nodded, holding his hands in his lap as he looked around the room. He finally looked back over at me and smiled slightly, "Anyway, I just wanted to welcome you to the crew. Scooter said you'd be here for a while so everyone might as well get to know you. I figured I'd be the first." he smiled.

"He told me to stay away from you though.." I admitted, chewing my bottom lip. "He told me the same thing but, here I am."    The smiled never left his face. I could tell he liked me and it proved to me that my plan was already under way without me having to do anything. That thought made me chuckle sllightly and I looked back at Justin.


"Well, thanks for the welcome. It was nice officially meeting you." Addy smiled, holding her hand out again.  I nodded slowly and placed my hand in her's, "Well, I better go before Scooter catches me in here. I'll talk to you later I guess." I sighed, standing up but, letting my hand rest in her's for a few more seconds before walking out of the room.

There was chemistry before Addy and I. That was undeniable and it was fun knowing that I could only talk to her under my own risk. I wasn't scared of Scooter but, for all he knows, I promised him that I'd stay away from her. Although, that's not going to happen. I want to get to know this girl better and I plan on doing just that without Scooter getting in my way.

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