Playing Mr. Bieber

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"Justin, up!" I hear Kenny shout from the doorway of my bedroom on the small tour bus. "Ugh!" I groan, throwing my blankets over my head again along with my pillow which right now was a very very comfortable position. I felt my eyes grow heavy again, my eyelids dropping again.

I was almost asleep again when I felt the blankets being thrown from my bed and a pair of cold hands wrapped around my ankles, pulling me off of the bed and onto the unwelcoming surface known as the floor. I glared up at Kenny, my back resting in a strange position against the bed frame and side of the mattress. He gave me a smug grin before walking out again.

"I hate you!" I yell after him, groaning as I stood up. "Love you too, JB! Now get up! You got a show today!"    I chuckled and ran a hand through my hair, shaking it out before walking over to my closet. I grabbed a pair of skinny jeans, a blue shirt, accompanied by my black supras.

I stepped into the bathroom and turned the shower on. I rid myself of my pajama bottoms and hopped beneath the hot water. I grabbed my shampoo bottle, running the gel like substance through my hair.
"If I was your boyfriend, I'd never let you go. I could take you places you ain't never been before. Baby, take a chance or you'll never ever know--"

"Justin, save the voice for tonight and come on. Come get breakfast."   It was Mama Jan. I chuckled slightly and finished rinsing my hair before jumping out and changing. I quickly fixed my hair and stepped into the kitchen.

"Eat, boy. You have 20 minutes before sound check." Kenny chuckled, looking over at me.  I looked over at him and shook my head slightly. He chuckled and patted my shoulder. I let a loose smile slip from my lips before grabbing the Cap'n Crunch from the cabinet.


"Where the hell is Scott?" I frowned, looking over at my mom. "Now, Adeline, there will be no such language and he's probably just running late." she sighed, crossing her arms. I shook my head and looked out the window just as his car pulled up. "Thank God." I muttered, stepping out and opening the back door of Mom's Chevrolet. I grabbed my bags and walked over to Scott.

He waved over at mom and helped me carry my bags into his car. "Are you sure you're going to be able to put up with me for 8 months, Adeline?" he smirked proudly. "Don't call me that." I frowned, shoving his shoulder slightly, "And yes, I'm sure I can handle it, Scott." I chuckled, sliding into the passenger seat of the car.

"It's Scooter, Addy. Nobody calls me that anymore." he groaned, starting the car again. "Well, I guess you found someone." I chuckled slightly. He sighed and looked over at me, "Okay. Whatever but, before we get to the studio, I have some rules to go over, okay?"   I simply nodded.   "No doing anything unless I tell you, no touching anything unless I tell you to--''

"Does all of this include the incredibly sexy popstar you manage?" I smirked, looking down at my red painted fingernails.  "Addy, I'm serious. Leave Justin alone." he sighed, "You may be my sister but, that doesn't give you permission to be allover Justin. He's very busy."    I rolled my eyes and nodded, "Okay. Whatever you say." I sighed.

"Addy.." he warned. "I know, I know. Your serious." I muttered, laying back against the leather seat of the car and closing my eyes.

This should be a fun 8 months.


 This was a new idea I came up with! This was just a prologue to introduce you guys to the story pretty much! Should I continue? Please let me know! And by the way, the song to the right --> I absolutely adore! It is amazing! Please VCF and look for Tough Love up again soon! <3

Playing Mr. BieberWhere stories live. Discover now