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A/N: Hey everybody! This is the new story I've been working on, I hope you like it, and if you would be ever so kind as to leave me feedback or fan or whatnot, I'd love you forever :) --N

"Bronwyn, answer your phone! It's been going off for five minutes!" I shot my younger sister a glare. "Can't you see I'm a little preoccupied, Hannah? Just hold on." I was currently chasing my nightmare of a little brother around the house with a pair of underpants, since he refused to put them on this morning. 

"Come here, you little brat," I grumbled, still running after him. "Somebody really wants to talk to you," Hannah threw in helplessly. I groaned, shoving the pants in her hands.

"Why are you giving me these?" she whined.

"Make yourself useful, would you? Put these on Jax and don't let him take them off!" I instructed, before reaching for my bleeding cellphone, blindly answeing whoever was calling.

"Winnie, quick, I need your help."

I sighed at my familiar nickname, pressing the phone to my ear. "What do you need, Em?" My best friend Emaline, otherwise known as the most clueless seventeen year old girl on the planet. "Will you fix my hair for my date with Peter tonight?" she asked hopefully. 

"It's five already! When's your date planned?"

"Quarter six," she admitted.


"I'm sorry it's such late notice, but I really need you!"

"I'll be there in two," I groaned, clicking off. I was in no way, shape or form publicly presentable in my grimy paint-splattered leggings and messy topknot, but Em was my friend, and I wasn't going to stand her up. "Hannah, I'm going to Emaline's for a bit," I called. "Please, please keep the house from exploding!" I stressed, before walking out the door, keys in hand. The sleepy town of Mullingar, Ireland was bedding down for the night, leaving the streets deserted. As I revved the engine, I sighed, looking into the window of our small home at Hannah and Jax. It's been a year since our parents left on an airplane to the UK and never came back. No calls, no letters, nothing. Not even an explanation. They just disappeared, without a trace, without a goodbye. Our grandparents had died long before any of us were born, so there was no real way to stay anywhere else. We couldn't ever be separated. And me, being sixteen and completely defenseless, had no idea what was going to happen.

But we adjusted. I like to think we're doing quite alright on our own, us three. I'm still in school and working two jobs, but it's been bearable. We have a roof over our heads, clothes on our backs and food to eat, and that's all we need. Hannah's just started secondary school and Jax is still in diapers, so he doesn't even remember mum or dad. I always have to correct him: no, I'm not mummy. Daddy isn't around...But he never understands. 

Why is Emaline's house on the other side of town? As I waited for the light to change, I drummed my fingers impatiently on the wheel. I looked down to pick a spatter of finger paint Jax had spilled all over me an hour before, when there was a sudden pounding on the hood of the car. Startled, I whipped my head up and found myself staring into the bluest eyes I'd ever seen. The blonde boy continued to stare at me, even as the light changed; thankfully no one else was on the road. Otherwise, I'd probably have the nerve to hit him. He had both hands firmly planted on the front of my car, and he didn't seem like he was going anywhere soon. I beeped the horn, annoyed and confused. I gestured for him to get out of the way, but to no avail. The boy smiled lazily at me, and then I realized he was obviously drunk. I felt my eyes narrow in anger. Rolling the window down, I leaned my head out to yell. "The fuck do you think you're doing?" He said nothing; he just stood there smiling like an idiot until the light turned red again. Furious, I unbuckled myself, and got out of the car. "What is this, mate? Get out of my way!" I seethed, walking up to this stupid kid. He stared down at me, those ice blue eyes meeting mine. "Sorry, babe," he slurred. "Forgot where I was going. Do you know where I have to go to get to Febes street?"

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