"Sorry." I murmured, gazing at my plate.

"Now, since all of my daughters are here, I can present my surprise." My father concluded. "Close your eyes girls!"

Marie, Elizabeth and I all closed our eyes, hearing a small tinkle on our dining plates.

"You can open them now". Elizabeth and Marie's excited gasps echoed around the grand room. My father had given us all extra pocket money!"Thank you father!" We all chorused, excited.

Over breakfast, Elizabeth and Marie chatted away about all the new stuff they were going to buy. "I am going to buy a new dress, some parasols and ribbons for my hair!" Marie said excitingly."I want a new dress and some jewelry" Elizabeth added.

I thought about what I wanted. I didn't want any new dresses or accessories like my sisters. Maybe I could get a new book, and something for my angel. It was awfully cold the other night and I'm sure he were cold.

"What are you going to get Adrienne?" Marie asked, a slight mocking tone to her voice. "I think I'll get some nice yarn, knitting needles and a book." I answered, knowing father gave me way more than enough money. "Why would you want that?! You can just buy a new scarf, there's a nice vendor selling silk ones" my mother replied.

"It's for a friend" I answered, knowing well that my family would think I was deranged if I said an angel visited me.

I was much more mature than my sisters, even though I was younger. We never got along well, as they always seemed to mock me and try to make me look bad. "A friend!?" Marie and Elizabeth asked incredulously, clearing not believing me. They were right, I never had any friends. Everyone wanted to be friends with my "perfect" sisters and not me. "What's their name?" my father asked.

I paused. "I-I don't know" I answered truthfully, looking down in shame. "I bet she's lying, her friend probably doesn't exist!" Marie protested. "That's true. No-one would want to be friends with Adrienne!" Elizabeth snickered."Enough girls" Mother interrupted. "Now, hurry along girls, and I expect you all home at five" my mother informed us.

All three of us nodded, hurrying out onto the streets of Asteaia.I saw my sisters walking together, laughing and chatting. I've always envied their relationship. Marie and Elizabeth were always so close. As for me, I've never had a good relationship with either of them.

Sighing, I turned to head for the square, where all the vendors would gather with cool exotic items. The square was bustling, as usual. The beautiful fountain standing proud in the center, the crown jewel of it all.

I examined many of the stalls, stopping to gaze longingly at the beautiful pendant at one. I imagined wearing it, twirling in the light. I'd love to have one, but they were much more than I could afford. Much more than months worth of pocket money. "No matter" I thought to myself, continuing on.

Some beautiful red yarn caught my attention at another stall, and I bought a spool. The colour would match the inside of the angel's cloak. It would make a perfect gift. I continued my shopping, making sure to check the time as I went. After picking up the book on knitting, the needles and yarn, I was feeling hungry.

Stopping in my favourite bakery Petité Lauderé, I bought a delicious looking frosted bun. I oh so adore sweet things and I have a large sweet tooth. Holding the bun in my hands, I left the bakery and continued back onto the streets, the sunlight covering the land in a beautiful golden glow.

Walking along the streets, I saw a girl smaller than I huddled on the curb. A rusty metal can rested at her feet. He shook as the wind blew, probably through her hole-ridden clothing.

I walked over to her and placed the warm bun in her hands. She must be more hungry than me. Even though my father was the mayor and I was a "child" (gosh, how I despise being called that) I wasn't oblivious. Not every kid was as lucky as me.

I removed my favourite cloak (lilac satin and royal purple velvet) and draped it around her thin shoulders.

"Y-you don't have to" the girl protested, looking up. She had the most beautiful hazel coloured eyes. "It's ok. I want to" I told the girl smiling, as I walked back towards my house. I hadn't realized how cold it was.

Opening my still creaky back door, I headed to my room. I was determined to make a scarf.

Adrienne worked for hours on the scarf for her "Angel".  She didn't seem to notice her messy, uneven knitting. After she was done, she proudly held it up.

"This looks good!" I thought to myself once I was finished with the scarf. "ADRIENNE! MARIE! ELIZABETH!" A loud voice radiated through the house. I clamoured down the stairs to the dining room, where my father already sat at the table. He probably got home earlier today.

After a long dinner, I asked to be excused as I was "tired". I waited patiently until the house was quiet, then snuck out the back door with a basket and a small lantern.  Inside was the angel's cloak, the scarf, and a crust of stale bread.

I quietly hurried through the streets, my dark blue cloak covering me completely. "I feel so brave and adventurous!" I thought to myself. Reaching the forest's edge, I pulled myself over the heavy fence.

"I'm pretty grown up, I don't know why everyone still calls me a child" I thought to myself, proud for climbing the fence. Then I did something which I read in a book.

In Hansel and Gretel, the two children left a breadcrumb trail through the forest. I broke off small chunks of the bread as I woke through the forest.

I was going to find that clearing! I continued walking, until I found saw it up ahead. Running to the clearing, I called out "Angel!"


There was no reply. No voice, no singing, nothing. I sighed. Where was my angel? I waited a few minutes, which felt like FOREVER!

After I got tired of waiting, I set the basket on a log hoping my angel would find it. I lowered my lantern to the ground, a saw the small trail of breadcrumbs.

I followed my trail back, as the sunlight began to disappear. "I am so smart! I feel like Gretel" I thought to myself, smiling.

At last, I reached home. The manor looked elegant in the moonlight. My house was one of the most lavish in town. After all, my father was the mayor.

Tip-toeing to the back door, I opened it slowly, hoping everyone was asleep. Creeping up to my room, I blew out the candle in my lantern and slipped into my nightgown. I let sleep take me quickly as I dreamt of my angel and the scarf I made.

Angel of Darkness (DARKNESS #1)Where stories live. Discover now