Chapter 18 Crazy

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Note: Just in case anyone is confused I wanted to mix up OUAT a bit (ex:the curse and characters) if you understand what I mean. So if anyone was confused about the curse being re done or anything like that I was just trying to make it more interesting:)

I had remembered passing out in the forest and Jefferson's face but that was pretty much it everything else was cloudy. I sat and noticed I was still a wolf and I felt myself trying to transform back but was to weak so I eventually stopped and looked around the room it was bedroom that had fake butterflies everywhere and pictures stuck on the walls, the pictures were drawn and they were a daughter and the mother and father I must be in the daughters room. I then remembered the legs running to me and looked at my front and back legs and saw them wrapped in bandages I wonder how she got me here....
I was brought back to reality when I heard someone open the door slowly and I saw a girl with blonde hair peek her head in and look at me, she smiled and opened it all the way and came towards me. I walked back a bit and butt soon hit the wall
"It's ok girl no need to be afraid I won't hurt you" she said sticking her hand out so I could sniff it
"I just want to help you" she said petting my ears softly and rubbing my head. I walked closer to her and opened my mouth but then remembered I was still a wolf so talking was a no go as soon as she was about to say something the sound of someone yelling came from the other room.
"Go hide!" She said shoving me towards a table so I could crawl underneath it right when I did a man walked in holding a knife.
"Where is it??? I know it's here!" He said looking around the room and ignoring the girl
"Father the wolf isn't her it ran away" she lied
And he looked down at her and then bent to her level
"I swear if your lying.... you know why I hate wolves and if your hiding it tell me now!" He growled but she just shook her head. He stood up and stomped out of the room and slammed the door causing me to jump and hit my head on the table. I walked out and looked at her confused
"I'm sorry about my father he hates wolves but I love them I think there amazing creatures" she said smiling
"Anyway I think you should go it's not safe for you here" she went over to the far side of the room and opened the window the smell of the forest hit my nose and I immediately felt like running into the trees.
"Go be free" she said in a sad tone. I slowly walked towards her and licked her face in a thanks and she laughed then I jumped up on her bed and out the window. I was about half way towards the forest when she called out something to me
"My name is Luka by the way!" She yelled

That name will be more important later in the story ;)

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