Chapter 10🎩 Memories

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I woke up in an soft white bed with black sheets over me my mind was fuzzy and I was confused on where I was. I groaned and sat up I looked around the room and the walls were white and there were paintings of mushrooms and teacups on the wall, there was also a few black top hats on a table in the corner of the room. I got out of the bed and stood up I put my hand on the wall so I wouldn't fall over and placed my hand on my head
"Ugh where am I? This isn't my room and damn straight isn't Mary Margrets" I thought.
I looked down and noticed a small letter on the bedside table on the front it said "Jefferson"
I picked it up and read it.
"Dear Y/N,
I know you are probably confused are where you are but you are safe. You passed out and I decided to bring you to my house and make sure you were ok, There is tea in the living room and cakes in the kitchen.
I put down the letter down and walked out of the room I then headed to the living room and saw a cup of tea with sugar cubes beside it and a small spoon sitting on plate on the table. I picked it up and took a sip
"Wow not bad" I said taking one more and then placing it down.
"I wonder where that Jefferson man is though..." I said out loud. His name sounded so familiar to me but if it did I must have forgotten when I went unconscious, a few moments later a man walked in holding a hat and pair of scissors he was still cutting away at the hat and didn't notice me standing there. He looked up a second later and his eyes widened he put down his things and rushed over and hugged me I was so shocked I didn't even hug him back I just held my breath and waited till he stopped.
"Oh my god thank goodness your alright Y/N I thought something had happened to you when you went unconscious" he said said smiling and pulling away. I just stared at him for a moment and then spoke
"I'm sorry but who are you?" I said in a low voice. The smile on his face immediately disappeared and turned into sadness and he looked heart broken
"How could you not remember? You remembered when you saw me a few hours ago" he said in an sad tone. I just shook my head and sighed
"I'm sorry but I don't know you..."
Jefferson bit his lip and whispered to himself
"You must have hit your head so hard you lost some of your memories..." He said looking down. I stared at him shocked, I lost some memories but which ones? If I did then of course I couldn't remember! I felt panicky and wanted to curl up in an ball and cry.
"But what did I loose!!" I yelled louder than I thought I would and that caused him to jump
"Do you remember who Henry is and Emma swan?" I looked at the ground and tried hard to remember, god I couldn't those names sounded familiar but I couldn't!
"I don't remember...." I said as tears welled in my eyes, but then I remembered.... Mary Margret I could remember her but only her.
"The only one I can remember is Mary Margret" I said in tiny voice. Jefferson brow furrowed
"How can you loose so much just by falling and hitting your head?" He said out loud and he placed his hand on his chin. That confused me too I lost so much just by a small fall? I didn't believe it.
"Maybe it wa-" before I could finish I felt my throat tighten and my head start to pound
"GAHHHHHH!!" I screamed and almost collapsed but Jefferson luckily caught me.
"Y/N! Y/N! What's wrong??" He said holding me close and looking at me wildly
"I don't know! My body hurts so much I- I- can barely breath!" I said in an raspy voice.
Jefferson quickly reached over and grabbed the phone and started to call the ambulance while he was my head pounded even more and my vision went white. I was standing in an Snowy forest with bare trees and a frozen pond I tried to move but couldn't, this place felt familiar and gave me chills then I realized... all my memories came flooding back like a wave. This is where I saw my dream about being a wolf this is where it had started and I had become one and I knew what was happening my wild side was taking over me.

Hi guys I'm back and updating my stories!!! I'll be updating more frequently and chapters will be longer! I hope you liked this chapter :)

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