Chapter 15🎩 Found

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I wrapped my arms around my self to stay warm because it was a freezing night and I probably should have grabbed something to stay warm. I sighed and thought about what happened with Hook I never would of thought he would do that he seemed so kind but yet again he could be hiding so much more. I look down at my feet watching them carefully walk over sticks and leaves and I didn't even realize that I had just rammed into someone till I was on the ground
"Ouch..." I said rubbing my forehead and looking at the stranger but it wasn't it was Jefferson!
"Jefferson!" I screamed and tackled him to the ground with hugs and kisses and I could hear him laughing beneath me.
"I can't believe I found you! Well technically we kinda found each other and I didn't realize just by bumping into each other!" I said happily, he smiled and brushed his hair from his face and my smile faded......he had bruises on his face and cuts around his eyes and lip. I looked at his hands and they were covered in dry blood and even his clothes had rips in them with a little blood showing and it caused my stomach to twist
"What happened to you?" I said while looking at a cut on his leg.
"Well after I couldn't find you I went looking and well I ran into some trouble" he looked down and I could tell that he must have ran into the queen
"The Queen wasn't it?" I said with a small gulp
"Yes it was her.....and she is more powerful she threatened to kill me but I escaped before she could do anything else" he said with a small smile and smirk. I rolled my eyes knowing he was trying to show off that he was "brave".
"I'm happy your ok now and that we are together again." I said kissing him gently and helping him up
"So how have you made this far into the woods?" He asked with curiosity and I started messing with my fingers thinking about Hook made me uncomfortable now and I didn't want to go back but I knew If I told Jefferson something bad would happen.
"Ummm no one I've been by myself I'm Surprised I made it this long!" I said with a nervous laugh and he shrugged
"Well let's head off I wanna get home as soon as possible" he said while grabbing my hand
"Agreed I miss home." We both walked the opposite way from Hook....thank god..... but what happened next was something I only saw in my nightmares and never wanted to think about.

Hook jumped out of the bushes right when we started to walk and tackled Jefferson to the ground. I jumped back and gasped in surprise but of course I jumped into action fast and tried to get Hook off Jefferson but hook grabbed a rock and slammed it on the side of my head causing me to fall over and groan. I watched weakly as Jefferson and Hook rolled around kicking and punching each other, then hook shoved Jefferson off and grabbed his sword and I knew what was gonna happen next. I pushed off the ground and started rushing towards them but it was to late before I could stop Hook.....
I watched Jefferson grab his side in pain and fall to the ground while blood gushed from the wound and he was starting to turn pale. I rushed to his side and placed my hand on the wound as well and tears streamed down my cheeks
"No don't let him leave me! I just got him back! I love him so much please don't take him away" I screamed on the inside and pressed on the wound a little harder. Hook looked at me satisfied and smirked
"Well have fun with the rest of your haha adventure" he chuckled and strolled off, I didn't bother to chase after him I just rest my head on Jefferson's shoulder and began to weep harder than I ever had in my life.

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