Chapter 13🎩 Blood

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Hook slowed down the horse and we both hopped off and stood not far from the lake and castle.
"Let's search here and then keep going" hook said looking around then back at the forest. I nodded and lifted up my nose to sniff the surroundings, nothing bad that's good. I started walking around searching for any clues and hook went in the different direction to look as well, but right after we split up I fell to the ground whimpering in pain.
"Oh god not again! Why does this keep happening!" I cried out and I could feel my bones shifting and teeth growing and eventually I was a wolf again
"I need to learn to keep this under control or something bad will happen!" I said in a growl, I trotted over to the edge of the lake and sniffed around the water and looked for footprints. I heard a rustle come from the bushes a few moments later and quickly looked behind me to see a man with brown shaggy hair holding a bow and arrow at me the arrow aimed straight for my heart. I bared my teeth at him and snarled. He pulled back even more and I knew he would release any moment, I started to slowly walk towards him but kind of in a circling way to confuse him.
"Stay back! Or I will shoot you demon dog!" He yelled and stomped his foot. How dare he call me that! I wasn't a demon! Finally all my rage inside me came out and I launched myself at him, before he could react my teeth sank into his skin and I started ripping the flesh off his body. He screamed in pain as blood gushed from the wounds on him, I had finished with his leg then went for his chest and started to rip into there but he grabbed an arrow and stabbed me in the shoulder with it causing me to stumble back and whimper, I pulled it out with my teeth and pinned him back down before he could run I then attacked his throat and heard the snap of bones and blood flow into my mouth after a few seconds he went limp. I stepped back and looked down at him the rage left my body and fear filled I couldn't believe what I had done. I turned to see hook standing there looking at me his eyes wide and mouth opened as if he wanted to say something but nothing came out. Eventually something did
"We need to leave" he said seriously and quickly grabbed the horse by the reins and hopped on top of hit. I looked at him confused and wondered why he didn't yell or leave me but he kicked the horses sides to make it run and before I followed him I looked back at the man I had murdered and put my ears back, I hope It wasn't too late for me.

Never Ending Madness {OUAT Mad Hatter X Reader}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora