Ethan didn't respond. He pushed in his chair, and walked to the hall. Anthony stood up too. 

"I'm going too, I'm not hungry right now, dad." He said, walking toward the hall. 

Brittany sighed as she looked at Carol. "I need to shower. I'll be back." 

Carol nodded slowly as Brittany stood up, pushing her chair in. Brttany walked behind Anthony.

Anthony glanced behind him, seeing Brittany walk. He smirked a bit before stopping, and turning around.

"Since he's dead.." Brittany came to a stop as Anthony spoke. "...Chance can't kill me for telling you."

Brittany rose an eyebrow. "What?" 

"Chance heard you talking to Mikaela." Anthony said with a small smirk. "Said you liked me?"

Brittany blushed. "You have got to be kidding me." She stormed past Anthony down the hall as Ethan had already been in the bathroom.

"I'm not." Anthony said, walking with her. 

Brittany turned around. "I like you."

"I like you too." Anthony said with a small smirk.

Brittany quickly pulled Anthony into a kiss, cupping his face with her hands. He rose an eyebrow as her lips crashed into his, and he only smirked against the kiss, kissing her back. He moved his hands down to her hips, starting to move even further down.

"Hey now.." She said softly as she pulled away.

Anthony chuckled quietly as he leaned in and kissed her lips again softly. He parted a piece of her hair behind her head. 

"I need to shower." She said, blushing wildly now. He nodded slowly and smirked again. 

He looked into her eyes with a small smile. "Alright. Want me to go with you?"

She chuckled softly. "If your dad found you, I think you'd be another walker by the time he's done scolding you."

He nodded with a small sigh. "Alright."

She chuckled again, still having the blush invade her cheeks. She giggled like a little school girl in her opinion, and she turned around, and walked to the bathroom. 

Anthony was left with a cloud of lust surrounding him, sighing in content as Ethan walked out of the bathroom.

"Dude, what the fuck is your problem?" Ethan asked, seeing Anthony standing in the middle of the hallway, dazed. 

"Nothing." Anthony said, starting to walk toward his room. Ethan rolled his eyes, not paying attention to where he was going. He turned the doornob, and walked into a room. Taylor looked at the boy walk in, and rose an eyebrow.

He turned around to look ahead and saw Taylor.

"Gah! Who the fuck are you?!" He asked quickly as he covered up his body as much as possible. 

She rolled her eyes. "Wrong room, idiot. I'm Taylor."

Ethan nodded quickly. "Well uh, I gotta go.." He said, quickly walking out of the door and slamming the door behind him. He quickly ran to Anthony who'd just walked into his own room.

"Anthony!" Ethan said in a harsh whisper. 

Anthony turned around. "What?!" 

Ethan's eyes widened. "Who the fuck is that girl down the hallway?" 

Anthony rolled his eyes. "Taylor. She's a bitch. Adam found her in here, she's that doctor's daughter."

Ethan nodded a bit before looking down. "Oh." 

"Yeah." Anthony said, slamming the door in Ethan's face. 

Ethan then sighed and made his way back to his own room.

At the table, Jenner had explained what happened to everything. The CDC's workers had committed suicide for the most part, and there was still no cure. It left an ominous feeling inside the room as the cheerfulness  had only broke once again. Adam got up and looked at his dad, seeing he was already getting drunk. 

"Don't drink too much, really." Adam patted his fathers shoulder.

He nodded as he walked to his other side. "I'm taking a shower." Adam said, walking down the stairs and out of the kitchen. 

Mikaela got up and sighed, taking up her plate to the counter as she was done. She then followed Adam down the hall. Glenn got up after and Carol followed. Rick looked at Lori.

"Ready to take a shower?" He asked softly.

She nodded slowly. "Yeah. I am."

He smiled and leaned in to kiss her. Shane looked over to Andrea, as Andrea looked at him. He sighed and picked up a bottle of whiskey. 

"Better hit the showers before they're all taken up." Shane said as he stood up out of his chair. 

Andrea watched him, still saddened. Shane looked down at her. "Come on, you gotta wash up too."

She nodded silently as he held out his hand for her. She looked up at him, like a lost puppy. She was like a lost puppy. She was lost in thought, she was lost in memory, and she was lost everywhere. She took his hand, getting up off the chair. He walked her to the hall.

Brittany stepped into the warm shower as she moaned in relaxation, feeling the first warm water run down her body in weeks. She was happy to feel the dirt, sweat, and grime practically fall out of her hair. She thought about Anthony, and how she'd reacted to the feeling. She liked it, and hoped that it'd continue. 

Ethan got dressed into a pair of pajamas he'd found in his room, and sighed as he sat on the bed. He then looked at the door, and got up off the bed, slowly walking to the door. He then exited the room, and headed down the hall.

Adam sighed as he looked into the mirror. He saw the zit on his forehead, and he looked around. A place like this wouldn't have zit cream, he thought. He sighed, closing the drawer before walking out to the hallway, and to his dad's room. He opened the door and saw his dad and Andrea kissing, him pressing her against the wall. His eyes widened and he just walked out of the room, back to the bathroom.

Mikaela stepped into the shower and sighed. She was miserable inside. She didn't know how she felt about.. anything. Chance had died right in front of her. She saw him be killed. Murdered. Slaughtered. She put some shampoo into her hand, almost forgetting the sensation. She ran it through her hair and sighed again. 

Anthony sighed as he stepped into the shower, watching the dirt flow off of his body. He felt a cloak of relief leave his body, he sighed, and he reached for the shampoo. He ran the silky texture through his hair and felt relieved. 

Taylor sat in her room, drawing. She drew carefully, wanting the project to be realistic. She saw Rick and Lori walk past her room, along with Nick following. She rolled her eyes at all the new people, and wished for the silence that once filled the halls. She didn't mind them, but she just wished it were her and her father again.

Nick looked around in his room, waiting for a shower of some sort. He wasn't sure about the place, as he just got the ominous feeling when he was inside. He knew it was safe, however. He just wasn't sure how safe, and for how long it'd be safe.

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