Chapter 51: It's Over

Start from the beginning

One of them made a move first. I ducked his grip and clawed at him stomach. It wasn't very deep but at least I drew blood. He came at me and I scratched harder. It was more effective this time. The man held his stomach. "You bitch!"

"Okay, enough of this. You incompetent fool can not catch one little girl," Henry held the gun up and fired two shot. The man that I scratched on the stomach, dropped with two bullets in his chest. "Please tell me you can do better," Henry said to the other man.

He nodded and quickly grabbed my hand. He pulled me into him and held my hand behind my back, facing forward. I bite his arm and tried to tear it off until he hit me over the had with some sort of blunt object. I crashed to the floor and blood ran down my face in a single line. He pulled my leg and I kicked them out connecting with his jaw. He fell backwards and I tried to crawl away. He recover and pulled be back again. He was squeezing so hard that my my leg was becoming numb.

"Get off!" I kicked him in the face with my other leg. I had to act quickly or he was going to come at me again. His nose started bleeding ans he cursed at me again. He. was getting angrier. I tried kicking at him again but he held his face away. I reached forwad and slashed his face.

"Ahhhh," he cried.

"I guess you're useless as well," Henry said as he aim the gun at the man throat and fired. He didn't die right away. He was gurgling his own blood before settling and his breathing stopped. His hand was still clamped down on my leg. I pulled each finger off, one-by-one them scrambled away from his body.

I looked as Heir slowly limped towards Henry.

"Heir no!" I shouted. Heir knocked the gun out of Henry hand and it slid over to me. I picked it up and held it in front of my. My hands were shaking but I knew I wouldn't hesitate to shoot Henry.

Henry backhanded Heir and he fell to the ground. It was struggling to stand up again before Henry pulled him up and placed one hand on top of his head and under his chin. "Drop the gun now and I won't snap his neck."

"Shoot him!" Heir shouted. "You can't let him win. I don't care what happens to me. Just shoot him!" he cried. "Please Mason."My breathing became strained and I vision went in and out of focus. I closed one of my eyes and got ready to shoot.

"Do you really want to risk another life Mason. Haven't you seen enough death? I heard about your unfortunate escape plan with those other four girls. Two of them died, one went crazy and who knows what happened to the other one. You want another death on your hands?"

"Shut. Up," I breathed deeply.

"Have you told Heir about Talia yet?"he smirked at me.

"What about her," Heir tried to pull himself away from Henry.

"See killed herself boy," Henry chuckled, "your sister killed herself. Since Mason got you sent her, she thought you were going to die so she killed herself. But don't worry Mason and Myles was their with her. They made sure she didn't die alone."

"Henry!" I cried. "He's just a kid!" I lowered the gun. "He didn't ask for any of this. I'm so sorry Heir. I didn't mean for any of this ti happen. I would take it all back if I could. I wasn't able to stop her in time."

"S-She's dead," his voice was shaky. "My sister's dead."

Tears rolled down my face and my breathing became rigid, "I couldn't save her. I'm sorry."He kept a tight grip on Heir even when he became dead weight.

"This is the last time I'll ask," Henry said sternly. I pulled the gun back up in front of me. I hand were shaking even more than they were before. I closed one of my eyes again and aimed for Henry's shoulder. I thought if I wounded him, I could still get Heir and me out of here. "What are you going to do Mason Faye."

"Ahhh," Heir shouted and Heir squeezed his head harder. "I'm so close to snapping his neck. Do you really want to risk him." It was hard but I new I choice would always be the save Heir. I lowered the gun again until it laid limp in my hands.

"Good girl, now walk over to me," he ordered.

Just as I was about t take my first step, someone pulled my arm up, put their finger on my finger and pulled the trigger. The bullet barreled through Henry's forehead. We are werewolves, but no one can heal death. Henry's body dropped to the ground with a loud thud. A wave of relief spilled over my day and them I found myself unable to stand on my own.

I looked up at the person behind me, "Myles." He was clutching his chest and smiling down at me.

"It's over," he croaked then collapsed.




Three weeks later...

"Wake up!" I shouted. "Wake the hell up Myles!"

His eyes popped open and looked up at me accusingly. "So looooud," he squeezed the sides of his head. "I feel like shit."

"You're such an idiot," I crushed Myles into a hug.

"Uh, what happened?" he sat up in the hospital bed.

"You almost died," I looked at him intensely. "I thought I lost you. How could you be so stupid Myles? Why would you go up against your father? It was moronic."

"Hey, we won, didn't we?" looked confused.

"Of course we did, but when I saw you drop, I thought my world was over. Why would you purposely choose to leave me Myles? You told me that you loved me. If you loved me, wouldn't leave me."

"Mason, I didn't want to leave you, but I had to fight for you. There's time for a change. We need to take back this world. Julius was a plague. It's time for things to go back to the way they were supposed to be."

"I know but..."

"Hey," he patted a spot next to him. I shuffled over to him and sat down. "I would do anything for you Mason. I wouldn't hesitate to give my life for you. You might think I'm stupid, but I called it love."

"I love you too," I bent and hugged him, afraid to let go.

"It's okay," he stroked my hair. "It's over now."


A/N There will be an epilogue. Book 2 will be out some time in late June. I hope you all continue to read. I got a lot more in store for Mason that I can't wait to share with all of you.

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