blackouts and waterworks

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As her eyes finally focused, Alexis first came face to face with a very flustered, very unhappy Peter. She regained consciousness bit by bit and her face grew flaming red with every passing second. She had blacked out on his doorstep. Her plan had not only upturned but she had managed to embarrass herself in front of a man she wanted to upstage.

She sat up slowly, head still spinning, and looked at Peter. He was staring straight at her, probably trying to decipher whether she had really fainted or had feigned it simply to get inside the house. She coughed awkwardly, unsure of what to do with her limbs. Alexander had made himself comfortable on her trolley bag that lay next to the door. Her purse and handbag were kept next to it neatly.

"Thanks," she said tentatively, her voice clinging to the inside of her throat. It's never quite easy to thank someone in such an unorthodox situation. She was inside the house now, yet ironically, she was unsure whether she wanted to be.

"Thank you." She tried again, this time catching Peter's attention. He gave her a reluctant smile in response and got up. Alexis took a good look of the living room. It was sparsely furnished with not an item more than necessary. The walls were drab with a picture frame and another scattered around the walls.

Alexis fidgeted with her fingers as she looked at the direction Peter disappeared. She was becoming increasingly aware of the churning in her stomach. When he didn't return immediately she got back to observing the house unsure whether she should stay or leave.

There was a small television set opposite the sofa she was sitting on. The place was eerily silent or perhaps it was just her brain in overdrive. Either way she sat there awkwardly rocking back and forth painfully aware of the ticking sound from the clock hanging on the wall to her left. It was the only item that looked antique and tasteful.
Not a very aesthetically sound human. She made a mental note.

When the wait got a little too awkward she decided to follow in through the door that Peter had slipped behind. She assumed it must've been the kitchen, or maybe not. Surely he wouldn't leave a stranger, moreso someone who claims to be his long lost daughter, unattended in his house. She decided he hadn't completely forgotten about her. As she reached the passage leading to the door, Peter came out with a cup of tea in hand. He was startled and almost spilled the hot liquid all over himself.

"Have this." He motioned towards the living room as he went and set the cup on the coffee table.

Alex sat down and picked up the cup.
"Careful it's hot."
Alexis stopped and blew on the tea to cool it a bit. As she took the first sip she felt the warm beverage travel down her throat. Her stomach grumbled yet again and she placed a hand over it self-consciously.

Peter looked just as awkward as she felt. She observed him carefully trying to see the similarities between them. Her blonde bush of hair could be his contribution. His eyes too were olive green, hers almost hazel. She noticed he was probably doing the same, only much more unconvinced than her.

Alexis decided she had already embarrassed herself enough that a little more couldn't possibly hurt. She asked in a very soft voice barely audible to anyone in her close vicinity. "Can I have something to eat." She was embarrassed beyond belief while saying this. Her ears started burning up and nose twitched yet again as she controlled the waterworks to her best capacity. Peter must've sensed that and she turned further red as she averted her gaze.

"I'll fix you a plate. Sit right here." It was evident he didn't trust her but she wasn't going to complain. She watched in relief as he yet again disappeared into the kitchen.

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