scripts and scenes

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   Alexis looked at the man with utter confusion. How did he know who she was? And who was the lovely lady he was referring to? She didn't know what to make of this situation. She looked down at the cat again. Peter was almost standing in front of her by then. She put the cat down and stood up. Peter was looking at her expectantly, although she had no clue why.

"Hello, how may I help you?" Peter asked.
Alexis simply kept staring at Peter's face utterly puzzled. He cleared his throat and she regained her senses. You can't lose your calm like that! Be cool and confident... She reprimanded herself.

"I hope Alexander wasn't a nuisance. He usually doesn't like strangers.

Alex realized that Peter had possibly been referring to the cat when he said Alex. Peter was still smiling a polite smile, however it seemed to be slipping off just a little. Stranger. She extended her hand to introduce herself.

"Hello Mr. Dennings. I'm Alexis Porter, daughter of Maria Porter and Peter Dennings."

She expected a dramatic reaction. The wind dropping, glass crashing, the world going into slow motion. She expected his face to show some signs of realization. She started scripting his breakdown in her head.
He stood there staring at the girl a billion memories flashing through his mind. His heart stopped and throat burned. His insides were set ablaze with guilt. He couldn't help but stand there stupified. His heart constricted and the corners of his eyes got damp as 22 years of regret stood in front of him in flesh and blood.

She expected him to apologise. To lose composure. But all he did was let his smile slip. His face became grim. Alexis decided she could work with it.

"Yes, I'm the daughter of the woman you promised to love and yet left. You know she spoke of you with such fondness. She had nothing but affection for you. But you just up and left. So don't make such a face. I'm not gonna say it was okay. I'm not gonna forgive you. You deserve this gnawing guilt. You owe it to her."

Alexis was pleased with herself. She had practiced that monologue all the way there. She was pleased that his reaction was befitting her monologue.

Alexander was brushing against her leg blissfully unaware of what had transpired between her and his owner. She patiently waited for Peter to combust. She knew he'd be down on his knees begging to be forgiven. Yet he did nothing of the sort. His face lost all kindness and cordiality.

"I don't know what sick joke you're playing kid. But I'm not falling for your devious means. I know your kind. You extort people by fabricating such stories but I suggest you leave."

Peter looked furious and Alexis was lost for words. He was straying from her Oscar worthy script and she didn't know what to.
"I repeat, you may leave now or I'll be forced to call the cops."

Alex's jaw dropped. Her entire plan had gone belly up. She lost all her practiced confidence.

"B-b-but I'm-" Alexis was lost for words. She felt ashamed, she called herself a writer yet her words failed her. Then it suddenly clicked. Peter patiently observed as she shuffled through her purse. She pulled out the photo that she had found from her mother's belongings.

"Hah!" She knew she'd won. She had evidence. Peter took the fading photograph. He observed it carefully as Alex observed him. She was squirming in her shoes waiting for his verdict.

"So she was a fan. I'm flattered but it proves nothing." There was a man in the picture a guitar in hand and a lazy smile playing on his lips. The light highlighted his sharp facial features. The man wore his dirty blonde hair in an effortless messy way. One could see that Peter must've broken a few hearts back in the day.  His arm was resting on a woman's shoulder. A beautiful brunette with tan skin. Her face was glowing. Alex had inherited her dimpled smile. Peter looked up and saw the resemblance. She had her smile. She had dirty blonde locks, but anybody could. It wasn't much of a rare trait. "This is from one of my performances back then. Dozens of women clicked pictures with me. How many more enstranges daughters am I to expect?" 

Alex identified the sarcastic tone. She knew she was done for. She had been banking on Peter's guilty conscience and a kind heart. She didn't have a place to go or food to eat. Her eyes started burning and ears heated up. Her nose twitches as she struggled to hold back her tears. Her face contorted in the effort and Peter looked at her puzzled, trying to figure her expression out.

Alex hated how her nose watered before her eyes, every time she cried. It was doing exactly that at that moment. She turned into a 5 year old child every time she cried and Peter was baffled by the girl in front of him.

She almost started wailing when her stomach grumbled. Alex could feel her vision blur and and legs go limp. It was like someone suddenly decided it was nap time and the lights went out. The last thing she saw as she collapsed was a very confused, very annoyed Peter.

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