9//Australia bound

Start from the beginning

Pearl starts to get sleepy so we bring her back over and she falls asleep in Louise's arms.

Alfie and Marcus bring everyone's drinks over and as I sip on mine I rest my head on Max's shoulder.

"So I'm a pill-" but I interrupt pushing his drink to his mouth.

Everyone laughs.
"Can flight F345 to Australia please make their way to gate one." The intercom thingy calls out.
We make our way to gate one which takes us a good half hour.

We board the plane and it's Me, Max and Harvey on one side. These planes had little pods. You couldn't move around but they were like little rooms. Zoë Niomi and Louise on one aisle. Sarah and Chris were beside a stranger. Janya are on a different flight. Pearl is kwith Liam and Alfie. Marcus is with Joe who made it last minute and Caspar. It was basically a plane full of youtubers. Nooderella and Chai are on this flight. Jack and Conor Maynard along with Josh and Mikey were in aswell.

I had a middle seat with the twins on either side of me. It was very spacious. Tv, you could lie down.

"Hold up. I'm stuck. In between you two for twenty hours." I sit up straight.

"Pretty much." Harvey shrugs.

"Ughhh. Worst flight ever." I joke falling back into my seat.

"You have us. So it won't be that bad." Harvey places his he's on the little divider.

I press a button to lift it up so his head slides off.

Max and I laugh and Harvey frowns.

We finally take off and they start serving breakfast.

"Bowl of fruit please." I ask.

Zoë pays for my meal and I dig in as I watch Pitch Perfect.

I have watched every movie like six times.


We arrive at the hotel and oh my. It was gorgeous. So modern and all. I actually fell in love. Playlist booked rooms according to creator so I had my own room.

"Are you sure you are okay with this. You can sleep in the room with me or Alfie." Zoë panics Looking me.

"I'll be fine Zo." I hug her.

"Okay." She kisses my head.

Our rooms are right beside eachother so she really has nothing to worry about. I run to my room and throw myslef onto my massive double bed looking out onto the most amazing city I have ever seen. I then unpack. I put all my toiletries in my bathroom and clothes in my wardrobe.

"Room service." I hear someone say.

I take out my vlogging camera.

"Cleaning." I copy and swing open the door.

"ANNIE!" I scream wrapping my arms around her.

"Okay I got to go before my parents realise I'm missing. Text you later?" She asks.

"What happened? U heard someone scream!" Alfie runs out.

"Took you long enough." I laugh.

"Oh shush." He then comes over rubbing my hair.

"No no." I say moving his hands away.

Annie goes back to her room. Alfie to his and me to mine.

I jump onto my bed and post. A selfie I took on the plane

 A selfie I took on the plane

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The Journey Ahead  \\Sequel to ABZ// Where stories live. Discover now