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"Monster In My Closet" este numele poemului care a ajutat-o pe Taylor sa castige un concurs de poezie in scoala generala.



Media -- mic film horror cu titlul "Monster In My Closet"

in: Taylor Swift Wiki 

A Monster in My Closet

Table of Contents

This is the winning piece of Taylor Swift from a national poetry contest held by the Creative Communication. She was in 5th grade (age 10) at that time.


There's a monster in my closet and I don't know what to do!
Have you ever seen him?
Has he ever pounced on you?
I wonder what he looks like!
Is he purple with red eyes?
I wonder what he likes to eat. What about his size!!
Tonight I'm gonna catch him!
I'll set a real big trap!
Then I'll train him really well.
He'll answer when I clap!
When I looked up in that closet there was nothing there but stuff.
I know the monster's in there! I heard him huff and puff!
Could it be he wants to eat me?
Maybe I'm his favorite tray.
And if he comes to get me,
I'll scream loudly, "Go away!!"
If he's nice, I'll name him "Happy."
If he's bad I'll name him "Grouch."
I suspect that he is leaving, but if not. . .I'll kick him out!

E și o carte cu titlul
Dar și un film

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