the jacket

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"So are you seeing anyone"

Am I seeing anyone? Kara thought, and that is when she remembered her date with Sara ,she panicked and got up from her seat

"Um I have to go!"Kara said a little too loudly

Lena was worried she made the beautiful stranger uncomfortable "I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable"

"No it's not that ,I am just late for something" she said while picking up her things

"Well I would like to see you again,if that is okay with you" Lena said a little insecure

Kara wanted to see the beautiful woman again,so before she could talk herself out of it she asked "can I have your number?"

Lena smiled "sure...but how am I gonna contact you, your phone isn't working?"

" Oh don't worry that was just my work phone, it appears I grabbed the wrong phone this morning"

Lena smiled "well that's a good thing even tho your work phone is also important"

Lena stood up "I'll be right back just um...wait here" she said as the walked to the counter talking to the cashier.
She came back with a paper and a pen "so about that number?"

"On second thought I'll give you mine instead." Kara grabbed the pen and paper wrote down her number name and handed it to Lena

Lena took the paper and put it in her poket

Kara glanced at the clock "I have to go, it was lovely meeting you I had a great time ...I'll see ..bye " Kara waved goodbye and left the little deli she got to the restaurant where she was supposed to meet Sara, but she was a few hours to late, and Sara had gone home.

Kara walked to Sara's apartment building, a little tired after walking so much to buy flowers and ice cream as an apology 

when she got to apartment B13 she knocked hoping that Sara's roommate/bestfriend Oliver wasn't home he was always so moody

The door opened to reveal Oliver Queen is a back shirt and shorts, he seemed angry he crossed his arms " stood her up" he raised an eyebrow "why?"..."don't you think she's been hurt enough after Snart"

"I'm sorry I can explain ...just let me talk to her please let me in" Kara begged

He hesitated "Fine" he opened the door so I could go inside "she's in her room"

"Thanks" Kara walked to Sara's room

"Ollie I told you I want to be alone" Sara said from under the covers

"It's not Oliver" Sara sat up in her bed looking surprised

"Okay first of all I'm sorry.
I grabbed my work phone instead of my personal cell, then I got drenched in coffee and  the cell phone stopped working and then I lost track of time I'm so so sorry I didn't go to our date, but"

Kara raised a grocery bag with ice cream and held out the flowers "i brought ice cream and flowers as an apology... I thought maybe we could watch h Disney movies till morning or whatever action movie you wanna watch"

Sara looked at Kara with a huge smile "I'll let it slide only because you brought cookies and cream"

She patted the space next to her and Kara sat down

"So where you get the jacket I didn't think leather was your style"Sara asked with a mouth full of ice cream

"Oh it's Alex's jacket" she lied


Well this story is probably terrible but I'm still gonna try with it ....lets see how it goes ~jessie

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