"Okay. Let's meet up here at tomorrow night, and we'll talk about it," I suggested.

"That sounds fine," he replied.

Drew left, and I breathed a sigh of relief. When he was around, I felt like waves of electricity were surging through my body. I didn't trust myself around him.

I decided to call Adam and get the juicy gossip about Mike. For right now, I was telling no one about what had just happened.

Adam picked up his phone on the third ring. "Hello," he answered.

"Hey, Adam," I exclaimed.

"Oh, hi," he responded.

"Are you okay?" I questioned.

"Yeah. I'd be better if I would have never slept with Ellie, but I'm dealing with it," he stated.

"Speaking of that night," I mentioned, "how do you know that Mike didn't sleep with Ellie after you slept with her?"

"Because he was preoccupied," he replied.

"What do you mean? He was with someone else?" I guessed.

"You got it!" Adam laughed.

"Who?" I inquired.

He just kept laughing. "You'll never guess," he taunted.

"Come on, Adam, tell me!" I screamed. Why was he being so difficult. Was it that scandalous?

"I don't know. I could ruin the poor guy's life," he exclaimed.

"He has the hots for my sister. I think he's trying to break Drew and Ellie up so he can have her," I explained.

"I don't think Ellie's the one he's after," Adam added.

I started to think of all the times I'd seen Mike interacting with others. Was I missing something? What I was imagining couldn't be true. I figured asking Adam was safe enough.

"Was he with a guy?" I asked warily.

"Give the girl a prize," Adam exclaimed.

I was still not sure. "They were kissing?" I continued.

"I'm sure they could have been, but what I witnessed was a little more eye opening than kissing," he explained.

"Ohhhh," was all I could say. I was speechless.

"I don't remember much, since I was a little drunk and hiding in the bathroom while Ellie.....um, nevermind the specifics - she was distracting me. I heard what sounded like two guys arguing at first, then they were talking. Afterward, I heard moaning. When the screams started, I had to check it out. I peeked out the door, and I almost blew my cover. By the way they seemed to be enjoying each other, though, they probably wouldn't have heard an explosion in the next room. I just shut the door, then, and, well, you know," he concluded.

"Who was it?" I asked, since I had no coherent response to what Adam had witnessed.

"I don't know the guy that well, but I think he's the one always hanging around Mike. He's on the football team, too. My memory is still unclear about that part. The other is just etched in my mind. I did not see that one coming," Adam exclaimed.

I laughed. "Actually, you probably saw them both coming," I said, laughing at my play on words.

"You're disgusting," he remarked.

"Says the guy who slept with my sister in a bathroom," I commented snidely.

"Point taken," he said, sounding embarrassed.

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