"Anne?" Harry knocked on the door three times. "Anne, open the door."

I didn't say anything, just wiped my tears and sat on my knees in front of the door. "Anne, please." he said desperately. 

"No."  I said loud enough for him to hear. "Just leave Harry."

"Anne, I just want to talk open the door." He tried the handle once again and I kept quiet. A part of me wanted to open the door and slap him across the face, yell at him and kick him out of my house. The other part of me wanted to stay locked up in my room until he leave. "For fuck's sake Anne, open the door or I swear I'll break inside!" 

He was doing it again, as usual. The only thing that mattered to him was what he wanted but nothing else, I was just too blinded to see it, wasn't I? 

"ANNE!" He shouted from the other side of the door. 

I knew he was serious about breaking in, I got up and walked towards the door. I had to open it before makes an even bigger problem to solve. I unlocked it with a click and he opened it right away. "Anne..."

I walked back to my bed and sat on it, looking at my trembling hands. "I'm sorry, alright?" he said. No, it wasn't alright. 

Harry walked in, his head down, his now really long, dark curls falling down on his forehead and making it impossible for me to see his eyes, but his slow steps determined. "I had to deal with so many shit lately and-"

"And you're taking your anger on me." I said, looking up at him. "Why do you even care? It's not that I have a place in your life Harry." 

"What are you talking about?" He said, his voice getting louder with every word. "You think you don't have a place in my life?" 

I only nodded quietly, remembering his words about dating and the fact that I wasn't his girlfriend. 

"Well, you're fucking wrong!" He bellowed. "You wanna know why am I looking like this, huh? It's because of you!"

"What?" My mouth opened slightly with surprise, this was making no sense. He ignored my reaction. 

"- and here you are telling me you have no place in my life! You are the one who's spending time with another guy!"  

Here we were, back on Liam again. "I don't even know what  you're doing most of the time!" I shouted back. "He's my bestfriend," I ignored the fact that Liam confessed his love for me a couple of weeks ago. "and you're yelling at me for seeing him like you're not being with other girls-"

"What the hell are you talking about?" He yelled. "I'm not being with anyone, I haven't fucked anyone for weeks Anne! I can't even stop thinking about you!" 

"You haven't?" I said and got up. I couldn't help the stupid butterflies flutter in my stomach with the thought of Harry not being with anyone else and can't stop thinking about me. 

"Fuck!" He cursed and pulled his hair firmly. 

I kept looking at him as I thought about what just happened, as Harry avoided my stare. He was telling me that I was the reason of his bruises so that meant he got into a fight because of me. Maybe he fought with the guy named Tom Christensen. Then there was his unending dislike for Liam, he was angry because I chose spending my alone time with Liam instead of him. Then there was the usual problem, that I didn't know where I was standing in his life. But the things he said without even realizing was enough to calm my nerves. He wasn't touching anyone like he did to me, he couldn't stop thinking about me... 

"Harry..." I said, stepping closer to him, his chest was still rosing and falling quickly. "I only want you." I said almost in a whisper but Harry's eyes widened with my confession. He stopped pulling his hair, his hand fell on his side as the look in his emerald eyes softened. "Liam is my bestfriend, nothing more." I continued as he took a step closer. "There's only you."

A faint smile appeared on Harry's lips as he got closer, I could feel his hot breath on my nose now and his familiar scent was making it impossible to think straight for me. I was flustered by the abrupt change of the mood between us but not in a bad way. I liked the way he looked at me like the only thing he could see in the room was me, just like how the only thing I could see was him.   

The bruises on his face looked even worse from close and the cut on his lip seemed like opened again as he was shouting. I still needed explanations, still wanted to know what exactly happened because of me. But I still had time to ask about them, right now only thing that matttered was the pink, plump lips that crashed onto mine. 

My hand made a fist on Harry's black shirt with the need of pulling him closer and the other hand found his hair as his tongue slid inside on my mouth. I whimpered as he placed his hand on my waist and pulled me on his solid torso. I was lost in his touch once more, visiting the place where only Harry and I existed, the place I visited for the first time he kissed me in the room we were in that moment. 

All the yelling was gone, all my anger was gone as our kiss deepened in passion, the need I felt for his body had no ending. I always needed more and more of him, my body, my soul needded him. 

He grabbed the back of my tighs and wrapping them around his waist, he lifted me up swiftly without breaking the kiss. He spinned me around, making me giggle in the kiss and placed me on the bed. My legs were still wrapped around his waist and he was smiling, showing his dimples I admired. "Are you gunna yell now?" He asked playfully.  

"Well, maybe." I teased him. 

"What about-" he pressed his crotch onto mine and I felt his hard bulge against me, hardly held the moan that was about to leave my mouth. "-now?" 

I kissed him instead of saying anything, we were moving our hips in the same rhythm. He hissed as I sucked his bottom lip and pulled his hair, as my other hand wandered on his chest under his shirt. Harry's lips left mine and moved to my neck, sucking and nibbling the sensitive spot there, I pressed myself harder on his crotch and a throathy groan fell from his lips. "Shit." he cursed under his breath. I loved seeing him lost in his lust for me, I loved that I wasn't the only one who was losing their mind as he touched me.

He pulled down the collar of my v necked shirt, placing his soft lips on my chest and keep thrusting his hips against mine. "I won't let anyone to take you away from me." He said with a raspy voice. "You're mine."

I raised my head to protest him, talking like I was his property but he looked up at me, smiling. "No." He put his fingers on my lips to stop me. "And I'm yours, Annemarie." 

I couldn't even react him calling me Annemarie again, I just kept looking at him with wide eyes, my ears were buzzing and my heart was pounding because of what he just said. "Harry, I-"

I was interrupted by a knock on the front door. 


I've been ill for the last five days ugh! I keep throwing up and my head is throbbing. I hate feeling sick all the time, I can't even keep water in my stomach more than ten minutes before puking again. The pills I've been taking are not really helping. It's all sunny outside and I'm locked up in my room, looking slightly green :( 

Well, I could finally finish the chapter even if I threw up 2 times whilst writing it. Thank you so much for reading and your lovely comments, love you all and hope you enjoyed the chapter. I have no idea how it is right now but I'll re-read it later when I feel better. See you at the next chapter! xx 

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