Normani slid off the boulder and held her hand out for me. I took it and slid down after her. When I was safely on the ground I laced my fingers with hers. I didn't want to let go. I don't know, I was just feeling so screwed up. She was the only thing that was making sense to me.

Normani, the human blanky.

The rain didn't really pick up as we walked back. Just a few fat drops here and there. We were still relatively dry when we got back to Normani's room. We didn't say much while we walked. I don't know what Normani was thinking, but this didn't really feel like a "walk and talk" sort of situation.

"I'm surprised it rains here actually." I said truthfully.

An interesting sort of silence had built as we walked. Comments on the weather seemed the best way to break it.

"Where you're from it's very cold. Here it remains very warm even during an intense downpour ."

I nodded, biting my lip. I could hear the rain starting to pick up, bouncing of various marble surfaces.

We were back in Normani's room now. Alone.

I was suddenly really, really nervous. The last time we'd been here together I'd made a complete ass out of myself. I hoped I wouldn't put on a repeat performance.

Normani eyed the bed, biting her lip. I guessed I wasn't the only nervous one.

I should say something.

"Umm, please do not think that I am pressuring you to do this, but it is customary to remove all clothing before approaching a bed. Even if to just sit on it," Normani said, before backpedaling like crazy, "You don't have to, but that is our custom."

I thought for a brief moment. If this had been anyone but Normani I would have thought they were full of it, BUT this was Normani. I truly believed that the last thing she would do was take advantage of me.

I pulled the tie at my waist and quickly unwrapped it. Normani watched me for a second, but then went right to her little rope belt, maybe showing me that this wasn't a ploy. She would get naked with me, help me feel more comfortable. Sorta.

She was faster than me, pulling her robe off, pulling the vine of olive leaves from her hair and swiftly untying her sandals. She put her sandals by the door and her robe she draped over the chair in the corner.

Before I had my robe all the way off Normani was in front of me again, on her knees. I almost expected her to give my calves another slow inspection, but this time she didn't. Instead she swiftly undid the laces and encouraged me to step out of them.

She took my robe and place it next to hers, draped over the chair.

We were both completely naked.

And hairless.

I caught myself looking at Normani's body. She was smaller than me, but like I said, not by much. Her whole body had this soft golden glow. Her breasts were bigger than mine, but not by much. If I was a small C I would have to say Normani had a very generous C cup if not a small D. They were perfect and perky. Her nipples were full, a soft brown. Her body made me curious, especially after that kiss. I wanted to touch her, but I couldn't.

I was scared.

All of these feelings were so new, but I knew they meant so much more, more than the heat and the moisture pooling between my legs.

I followed Normani to the bed and watched her pull the sheets back. I climbed in and she followed pulling the sheets around us. We lay on our sides, facing each other.

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