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"Your feet are like ice!" Harry exclaimed.

He squirmed on the other end of the couch. We were laying side by side on the sofa, his feet pressed into my side, and mine pressed into his. He was warm--like a human incinerator. It was dark in the room, and the light from the television danced on the walls as the scenes changed.

"Yeah, so? Warm them." I commanded, placing a piece of popcorn in my mouth. He chuckled and took the ice blocks that were my feet and rubbed them gently. I smiled at him. He was just like that; so undeniably likable that I couldn't help but enjoy being around him. I acted like my attention was on the television, when in reality I was watching him out of the corner of my eye.

I wasn't sure what we were even watching... I just knew that I liked watching him more than the film. He kept a straight face for the most part, his lips would occasionally twitch upwards in amusement. His brows were furrowed, and if someone didn't know Harry they would think he was glaring; but I knew him and I saw that he was just intently listening to the dialogue. His hair was pulled back with a hair tie that he had stolen from the drawer in my room. He was lounging shirtless, his tattoos on full display.

I found myself smiling. I took a handful of popcorn and tossed it at him. His body convulsed in shock; which sent the loose popcorn all over the floor. He glared at me, but I was laughing too hard. It was one of those good laughs, when the stomach aches to the point of breathlessness and there was no sign of it stopping. He tore the blanket that we had been sharing away from us. He grabbed my ankles and tugged me downward so I was forced to lay on my back. He crawled on top of me, careful to support his own weight.

I bit my lip to keep from smiling. I stared up into his bright green eyes and found happiness. The little flecks of gold that graced his iris acted like sunshine that came through the green leaves of the trees in the summer. I reached up and touched his face, pushing a curl that had fallen from his bun behind his ear. He bit the inside of my wrist playfully; I quickly withdrew my hand and held it to my chest.

Something changed.

There was an indescribable shift that could occur between two people. It was like the air was suddenly full of energy and each little pin prick could be felt against the skin. Sounds become muffled, except for the breathing of the other person. That pattern intensified until it was the only thing to be heard. The heart seemed to pound against the rib cage and suddenly becomes impossible to look anywhere else except their eyes. The look in each person's eyes just showed how intoxicated they were with each other. It was like everything was falling slowly around the two people and the only thing that was static was them. It was an indescribable link to the other person.

"It is such a shame," he mumbled suddenly.


"You'll never see yourself," he told me. He lowered himself and pressed his lips to my forehead before trailing to the tip of my nose, then the corner of my mouth.

"You're talking nonsense." I whispered breathlessly.

"No, I'm not," he said. He pressed a kiss behind my ear then to the hollow of my throat. I fidgeted underneath him, the energy between us became too intense to sit still. "Think about it; you only see reflections of yourself."

"Harry," I mumbled, his teeth grazed the skin of my throat.

"You never see what I see," he said against my skin. "The way your eyes light up when you speak with passion. The way your nose crinkles when you laugh. The way you smile and the corners of your eyes scrunch up."

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