"Yes" she answered softly. He smiled and sighed in relief. She spoke again, barely above a whisper. "So what are you going to do about it?"

She couldn't believe that she was acting so cool about it; inside, she was fangirling. She could tell she was making him nervous, but she hoped he would just go with it. And he did, because he reached out and grapped ber shoulders softly.

"May I kiss you?" he asked softly.

She bit her lip and stared at the ground. "Absolutely." And then, in a split second, they were kissing. It was gentle, and calming.  All the nerves between the two had disapperated in that kiss, and Paris felt a wieght being lifted off her.

"Woo!" a voice yelled, inturrupting the moment. "Get some!"

Paris and Liam laughed and looked back to see Harry, with his arm around Ariel, Mitch, who was smiling with approval and had his arms confidently crossed, and Tiffani standing there, spying on the two. Ariel smacked Harry's chest for ruing the moment. Liam slipped his fingers through Paris's and led her towards their friends.

"Congrats bae!" Ariel rushed forwards to hug Paris.

"Ya'll are too cute!" Tiffani smirked.

Paris blushed and shook her head. "I want to know when Mitch is going to grow some balls and ask you out." Harry chuckled as Mitch blushed and unfolded his arms. Tiffani's eyes widened at her blonde friend. "Oh come on!" Paris groaned. "You've liked each other since junior year of high school. I was a total thrid wheel in Australia!"

Tiffani laughed at the memories of missing everything on their tour of Sydney because she was too focused on Mitch's butt. She bit her lip nervously. 

"Okay, let's not change the subject here" Mitch spoke. "I need to go collect ten dollars from Niall because I won the bet."

Paris frowned. "You were betting on us?"

"Everyone was betting on you two" Ariel confessed.

The group heard a scream from the bonfire. Everyone's eyes widened and they turned around to see what was going on. What they saw was a very pecular sight.

"Is that Louis?" Tiffani asked.

"Yep" Harry answered.

"What's on his butt?" Ariel asked.

"Why are you looking at his butt?" Mitch asked immaturely.

Ariel rolled her eyes and stepped forward to get a closer look. Louis had, what seemed to be, a small haystack attatched to the seat of his pants and he was chasing several seventh graders around the bonfire. Everyone could distinctly hear Niall's cackle over the crowd. Alice was yelling at Louis and the kids through her megaphone, but it only added to the hysteria. 

Liam watched with wide eyes. "We better go help."

"Yep" Paris agreed quicly before the two rushed towards the bonfire. 

Paris walked up next to Jackie, who was sharing a log with Niall. "What's going on?" Paris asked.

Jackie grinned. "Some seventh graders stole some super glue from the art room and glued Louis to a hay bail. He litterally just spent ten minutes trying to pull hay off his butt and that's what's left."

Paris looked at Louis as he chased the kids. He looked like he had sat in a bird's nest. "That's horrible!" Paris exclaimed.

"Yeah," Niall scoffed. "Horribly funny!"

Paris rolled her eyes and sighed. "Some one needs to help him!" she insisted.

"Oh shut up and eat a smore's!" Jackie snapped, shoving the smore she was making into Paris's mouth. Paris almost choked and Liam rushed to her side, but she assured him she was okay. Then, with out warning, she grabbed a slightly melted marshmellow off a random kids's skewer and smeared it across Jackie's face.

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