Out with G!

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I sighed at the memories. They killed me, tormented me from inside. I should have done more to help Ryan. I should have known. I did know; Flowey told me. He overheard Chara muttering about it a couple days before. 

Wiping the tears off my cheeks, I pulled the blankets over me and the exhaustion from fighting guilt wiped over me. I fell asleep and I didn't wake up until breakfast.

G didn't bother to give me any notice. He was already walking out the door, smoking, while the guard glared at me. I groaned and sat up, following after G.

I was still way behind him so he slowed down and waited for me to catch up. "Hey Dove," he caught my arm. He kept a grip on me, digging his bony fingers into my skin. "Don't wander off. You're stayin' with me." I winced at his orders but didn't feel like getting beat so I nodded. He squeezed my arm once before letting go and shoving his hands into his pockets.

I did the same and felt the cool metal against my fingers. How was I supposed to get the keys to Undyne if I was stuck with G?

We entered the mess hall and silence fell over the prisoners. I felt their stares burn holes into my skin. Ducking my head down, G and I got our 'food' and headed for a table in the back. The prisoners that sat in the tables next to ours cleared out quickly and reseated somewhere else.

We sat down and tried to eat some of the glop before pushing it away. G and I looked at each other in our disgust and he rolled his 'eyes'.

I scanned the crowd for Undyne and Alphys. I found them sitting as far away as they possibly could, staring at me. I looked to Undyne for help but she just hung her head. Alphys said something to her and they turned away. Oddly, I didn't feel any betrayal; I knew I wasn't much to them, just a way to the key. Still, I was going to get it to them.

"They're not you're friends ya know," G said gruffly.

"I know," I said truthfully.

G grunted. "So ya gonna tell me what she wanted?"

I hesitated, debating why I would tell him. With no real reason I said, "They wanted me to get a key."

"Do you have it?" He was looking at me, his iris glowing curiously.

"I have them," I corrected.

"Let's see 'em." I passed the key ring to him under the table. "Wow." He twirled them around, reading their labels.

"You can have them..."

"I know," he scoffed, puffing out smoke from his cigarette.

"if I can give one of them to Undyne," I finished.

G considered me seriously for a second. He frowned and played with the keys. "Which one?"

"The one to the medicine cabinet."


I took a deep, agitated breath. "Alphys has asthma. She almost died once from the smoke of a..." I trailed off, realizing it was the smoke of his cigarette that almost killed her. He got that to but I didn't see any remorse. "Anyways...she almost died. She just needs her inhaler."

He looked into my eyes, staring deeply. "Fine." He took the key off the ring and handed it to me. He stuffed the rest into his pocket and returned to glaring at all the prisoners who quickly turned away.

He didn't bother with clearing his tray and he didn't let me. I was grateful for that. We walked outside and leaned against the fence. G growled at any prisoner who looked at me and flipped the bird to any guard who walked past.

"Why are you doing this?"

"What?" he asked gruffly.

"Growling at people for me, isolating me, not beating me again?" My curiosity was getting the better of me.

"You're useful."

"How?" I asked suspiciously.

"You're a nifty thief and you're pretty small. Good for fitting in small spaces."


"Anything I missed?"

Unable to help myself, I said, "Pickpocket. And I can kill."

"No you can't."

"Excuse me?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"That story ya told me was b.s. Someone may have killed your sister's boyfriend but it defiantly wasn't you kid. You're not the type."

I didn't deny it; it was obvious G could see through my lies so I let it go. "Can ya really pickpockets?" he asked thoughtfully.

I pulled the key ring that I had taken back from him earlier out of my pocket and held it up on my forefinger. Instead of being angry that I took it, he grinned and snatched it back. "Not bad kid. Do that to me again and I'll kick you're a**...but not bad. Didn't even feel it," he muttered the last part to himself.

Undyne and Alphys came out of the building then and saw us. They walked the opposite direction so G clamped a hand on my shoulder and steered me towards them. They saw us approach and Undyne clenched her fist angrily. She looked from me to G, her eyes burdened with whatever she was thinking.

G's hand tightened on my shoulder the closer we got. I could feel anger radiating off him like heat waves in summer.

"Hey Undyne," I said my voice subdued. Without saying anything, I passed her the key and watched her eyes light up.

"Thank you Frisk," he voice caught.

Alphys was hiding behind Undyne. She looked up at me and nodded her thanks as well.

Undyne stood up strait and looked G in the eyes before looking down at me. "I owe you punk. Just let me know," she said, flicking a concerned glance at G. I knew what she was thinking but I wasn't going to do that to her.

I nodded and turned to leave but G took his hand off me. I looked back at him. "Go ahead Dove, I'll meet you by the fence." I looked worried at Undyne and Alphys but they nodded so I turned.

As I was leaving I heard G say, "You're lucky my bother is so forgiving, otherwise I'd take ya other eye. Stay away from her, she's mine now." Undyne barked something at him but I was out of hearing distance.

As I was walking I got an uneasy feeling. I looked around but saw nothing abnormal. They prisoners were doing the same thing as yesterday. Still unnerving but not unusual.

I almost made it to the fence when some one grabbed my wrist. It wasn't G since the hand was made of flesh. I tried to turn but they pushed me against the fence. "So you're G's girl now," a low voice crooned in my ear. "That piece of sh** ruined me. Beat me and left me on the floor. I think I'll do that to you. See how  he likes it." Ice cold fear ran through my veins.

I struggled against him but he held me down with his other hand. "Let me go," I hissed, not wanting to draw the attention of the bloodthirsty prisoners around me.

"Why would I do..." I kicked him in between the legs. He howled and let me go. I burst away from him. Luckily I didn't have to go far before G found me.

"Come back here!" the prisoner yelled and G knew then what was happening.

"Behind me," he ordered and I was happy to comply. Our arms brushed as I passed and I shivered.

The man came into view but stopped moving when he saw G. "Hey pal," G growled, again I could feel G's anger coming off him in waves. There was a yellow smoke wrapping around his head, I figured it was his glowing iris.

Within a second, G had cleared the space between him and the man who attacked me. I turned my head before G's fist connected with the guy's face. I couldn't see it but I could hear the merciless beating that was taking place.

When it was over, G came over and placed a hand on my shoulder. I looked at him and noticed a red lump moaning behind him. "Don't look at him," was all G said before he led me back inside the prison.

Falsely Convicted  (G!SansxFrisk)Where stories live. Discover now