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I was processed quickly. They took my fingerprints, my clothing, and anything in the pockets, and filed it all away. I sighed sadly as I signed the paperwork and the man behind the counter put my belongings in a box. Looking at my  face in disgust, he said, "If you didn't want to be here, you shouldn't have done what ya did." I wanted to lash out at him for that comment but he was right, if I hadn't wanted to be there, I shouldn't have covered for her.

And it was a bit late to do anything about it.

I let the guards tug me down to my new designated cell, ignoring the sneers and taunting calls of all the other inmates. Never looking up and never replying, I made it safely to my new cell, and new cellmate. The safety ended there though because I was put into a cell with a hardcore criminal.

"Oh, look," she purred from the top cot as the guards pushed me in, "they've brought me a pet." Jumping down, she landed in front of me and extended her full height over me. I shrunk away from the fish-like monster in fear. My back hit the cell bars. I was cornered. She moved closer until she was inches away from me. Grinning wickedly, she flipped her brilliant red hair over her shoulder and leaned her face in towards mine. "What did a little punk like you do to get to play with the big girls, huh?"

"Enough," my voice was quiet. She growled and I winced, waiting for her to hit me.

She didn't. Instead, she pulled back and looked me over. Something was running through her mind. Grinning, she exposed rows of sharp teeth, like a shark's, "You're perfect."

"For what?" I asked meekly, still against the bars. I met her eyes, or rather, eye. She wore an eye patch covering her right eye.  

She stuck out a clawed hand. "I'm Undyne," she stated matter of factly. I shook her hand. "And you're my new pet."

"I am not..."

"I don't care what you think punk," she interrupted. "Sit down and shut up!" She pointed to the bottom cot and I followed her order. "At least you're trained." I frowned.

I wondered if she was taking this pet thing seriously. Was she really going to treat me like an animal?

I watched Undyne pace across the cell's stone floor from the corner of my cot. Tucking my knees into my chest, I placed my hands on my chin and hid my face with my hair. Occasionally Undyne would stop walking to look at me and shake her head.

Undyne was strong, that was for sure. She had thick muscles that tensed and relaxed in rhythm with her pacing. I couldn't tell if she was nervous or not because she had a threatening scowl on her face. I noticed a third cot across from me at mid-height. Was she waiting on the prisoner who slept in it?

Finally, she stopped and smiled as a guard brought a shy looking monster our way. It was a small, yellow, dinosaur-like monster with a sheepish smile and metal frame glasses. As she stopped in front of my cell, she couldn't look me in the eyes but she smiled at Undyne and even gave her a hug after she was pushed in.

Undyne lifted her up in the air and then swung her around. "Wh...who's this?" the little dinosaur stuttered after Undyne had set her down.

"This is my new pet," Undyne announced with a cruel grin. The dinosaur frowned with disapproval but didn't voice it. Undyne's grin turned in to a snarl. "Pet, this is my best friend, Alphis. You will do what ever she asks of you. One small misstep with her, and I'll kill you."

"Undyne!" Alphis said, shocked but pleased. She had a very soft and quiet voice.

"Hmph," was her response. Undyne jumped on to her cot easily and it creaked above me. "Did you get it?" Alphis shook her head and looked at me in concern. "Don't worry about her. She won't say a thing. Right Pet?" Undyne looked down on me, smiling. Her teeth looked yellow in the dim light.

"Nope," I confirmed, hoping she'd close her mouth.

"So?" Undyne asked her.

"No, he moved it. back pocket." It sounded more like a question than a statement.

Undyne cursed above me and didn't say anything for a moment. When she did, she said it to me. "Hey Pet, are you a pickpocket?"

I considered it for a moment. Chara had taught me to pickpocket when we were still in grade school. She didn't tell my why at first but later revealed that she wanted me to take something from the head master. Something so important he kept it in his pocket. I remembered how disappointed he was when he caught me with it. Later, I realized that Chara didn't even want it; she just wanted to break the trust Headmaster Lee had for me. She thought it was hilarious.

"I can," I answered slowly, "Why?"

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