Chapter Fourteen

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~The Captains' Bet~

Parker Jacobs

The next few weeks had been rough. My emotional breakdowns had slowly started to go down as I realized the truth. I had feelings for Ryan, that was undeniable. Ryan was poison, though. He was the most dangerous drug out there. He was everything I didn't want in my life. I couldn't ever fully count on him, especially with his need to be with more than one girl at once. He couldn't be trusted to be loyal and stay loyal.

"Parker," my dad called up to me.

I trudged down the stairs, feeling the happiest I had felt since my heart had shattered. The minute I stepped off the stairway, the boy who broke my heart into pieces stared back at me.

"He said you guys were supposed to study," my dad insisted.

I stared at the eyes that watched as I drove away in tears weeks before, completely destroyed.

"Um, I didn't know about this," I said, looking over at my dad.

"The final," Ryan spoke. "We were supposed to study for the final."

I tugged at the hem of my shirt, "Oh, okay."

I turned away from the two, heading back upstairs. I could hear Ryan follow me, closing my door behind him. "Why are you here, Ryan?" I asked, my eyes looking anywhere but at him.

"Listen, Parker, I'm sorry about the Stephanie thing," Ryan whispered. "I didn't know she was going to kiss me and then you were ignoring me so I just guessed we weren't even friends anymore. I just didn't know what to do-"

"You promised me," I spoke, glaring at him. "You broke my trust and now you're here. Why are you here?"

He took a deep breath, running his hand through his hair. "I wasn't lying when I said I loved you," he whispered.

I heart twisted into a knot and it got hard to breathe. "I don't care," I lied. "Nothing you feel matters to me anymore."

"Parker, please," he said, reaching out to me.

"No." I stated firmly, "Nothing you can say or do can fix how much you hurt me. Everything's just a game to you. Nothing can ever be real, I was so happy that we were friends. I don't have anyone else than Christie and the boys but it's not like I'm close to them. Anthony was right about you, I shouldn't ever have agreed to some stupid bet with you."

"Parker, I love you," he spoke out.

"Well, you sure know how to prove that when you've been fucking around with Stephanie for the past few weeks!" I snapped at him, "What kind of love is that?!"

He closed his eyes tightly before looking back up at me, "I just wanted you to feel the same hurt I did when you just left."

"Leave," I said firmly.

I collapsed on my bed as soon as he left the room. Tears streamed down my face as his words registered in my head. How could he expect me to love him after he did all those things? He hurt me more than anyone else. I would rather have a cold knife to my skin than to experience heartbreak, especially at the hands of Ryan Alexanders. He was everything bad. He broke girls' hearts for fun with no remorse. He had a long list of lovers that he could call at any moment and they would do anything for him. I wasn't like that, I didn't toy with people for the fun of it. He was a professional heartbreaker, there was no doubt.

I woke to my phone buzzing repeatedly.

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