Chapter Eight

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~The Captains' Bet~

Parker Jacobs

It had been days since Ryan had gotten upset with me. I didn't even understand why he had gotten upset in the first place, to be honest. Did I actually hurt his feelings because I told him I wouldn't ever love him? 

I walked down the cluttered hallways and into the cafeteria. "Chris," I said to my best friend, "he's been ignoring me for like a week." 

Her eyes widened and she took a swig of her chocolate milk. "Really?" 

I nodded my head, "Yes, and it's not that I'm upset that he hasn't talked to me, but like, if we don't talk then we can't study and if we don't study then we're both going to lose our spots as captain because he's going to fail." 

Her eyes widened as she looked behind me. "Nice to know you have faith in me," a deep voice spoke. I turned quickly to see Ryan turning away from me. 

I sighed before taking off after him. "Ryan, wait!" 

He ignored my pleas as he continued down the hallways. Soon, I had caught up with him. 

"Ryan, come on," I said, grabbing his arm. 

"I'm going to fail Chemistry if we don't study?" He asked. 

"You know what I meant," I replied. 

"No, I don't think I do." 

I sighed, running a hand through my hair. "Ryan-"

"What?!" He snapped at me, turning away. 

"Why did you get so upset the other day?" I asked, changing the subject. 

He scoffed, "I didn't." 

I laughed, "You did. You've been ignoring me for an entire week. Why?" 

He shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know what you're talking about." 

"I think you do," I said, stepping closer. "I think you're scared you might lose your own bet."

Ryan rolled his eyes, "Yeah, right." 

"Then let's do it," I said. "The bet's on." 

"Fine," Ryan replied. 


I sat on my bed and flipped through my History textbook, trying to find the answers to my questions. 

My door swung open, hitting the wall and bouncing off. A body flopped onto my bed, disturbing all of my schoolwork in the process. 

"Excuse me!" I yelled out, gathering the papers. "What's your problem?"

I glared at Ryan as he laid on his back, grinning up at me. His hair was a mess and his shirt was a wrinkled mess. "So, I was thinking today we'd tell everyone we were a thing." 

"What?!" I shrieked. 

"Well, if you're going to fall in love with me, we've gotta be all couple-y." Ryan said, "Plus, it'll make it hurt worse when I tell you I don't feel the same." 

I rolled my eyes at him, "Because I'm going to fall in love with you." 

"Sure are," he replied. 

I shoved his head off my book and closed it. I gathered all my papers, setting them on my nightstand. "Doubtful." 

He sat up, leaning on his elbow. "So, what do you say, Jacobs? Why don't we go get some lunch?" 

"If you're paying," I replied, standing. 

"I'm not a monster," Ryan said, acting hurt. 

I rolled my eyes, "That's debatable." 

He chuckled and we made our way out to his car. "I know how terrible it was when I wasn't around for a while, so, we'll do something every day," Ryan said. 

"Excuse me? What's your definition of horrible because you not speaking to me was definitely not terrible." I rolled my eyes, pulling the seat belt around me. 

"Terrible," he replied. "Awful, horrible, horrendous, absolute chaos that you couldn't see this sexy beast." 

"More beast than sexy," I let out a laugh. 

"Really, Parker? Laughing at your own jokes? You're such a loser," he said before smiling. 

I pouted, pulling my arms tightly in front of me, "You're such a dick." 

"Name's Ryan, sorry."

"Dickhead Ryan." 

He chuckled rolling his eyes, "Get out." Ryan said as he pulled up to Mary's Diner. 

I unlatched my seatbelt and pushed open my door. I shivered slightly at the weather. It was finally getting colder and I hated it. 

"You should be used to being cold, especially with that cold heart of yours," Ryan said, smirking. 

"Okay, okay. Enough with the roast session," I said, pushing him out of the way so I could get into the heat of the diner. 

He guided me to a small booth in the middle of everyone. Mary's was the hotspot for every clique in high school. "Two orders of chocolate chip waffles with hot chocolate, please," Ryan said to the waitress. 

"What if I don't like chocolate?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. 

He stared at me dumbly, "Parker, look at you. You probably munch on a chocolate bar every day." 

My mouth fell open, "Ouch." 

He laughed, "I'm obviously kidding, they don't let fatties be cheer captain." 

"That's so rude!" I scolded. 

He shrugged, "It's true, though. It's always the skinny, popular girls." 

"You don't have to say that, Ryan. There are people all around us." I replied, setting my napkin on my lap. 

"This is America, they'll get offended no matter what I say," he said, chuckling. 


I know this is a shorter chapter but there's a high chance I'm going to update in like three days lol.

Also, I'm starting a new book very soon called The Upper East Side, so more info on that soon, keep an eye out for it :P But for now just enjoy Parker and Ryan's storyyy

Xoxo <3 

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