Elizabeth Walker

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^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Thats Laura's roommate Elizabeth

-still Laura-

" so your telling me you didn't get the food AND you didn't make out with a hottie who saved you" my curly headed roommate says from the kitchen part in our apartment.

" yes Liz, that's what I'm saying" her full name is Elizabeth but there is so many nicknames you can give her, Liz,Lizzie , Ellie, Betty, Beth , Lizza ( Houston Texas baby, if you know who she is your awesome) so I call her all of them.

" And he's not a hottie who saved me, he's an ex hottie who pretended to care about me then saved me" I say as she walks back in my room.

"Okay so why have I never heard about him before huh" she says with a confused  look. " well because I don't ever want to , talk, think, or remember that part of my life ever again" she looked at me upset.

" look Laura you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to, but just letting you know I'm here for you wherever and whenever" I looked at her with a smile.

Me and Liz have been roommates for about 2 years, we met in college, it was kinda cool how we met.


Wow this is perfect. I look at papers I printed out that said ' Looking for a roommate who will split rent with me I my 2 room apartment. You interested' with a collage of pictures I took of the apartment. My name and number with a pic of my self on the bottom.

" short and simple just how I like it"

I talk to myself because I have no friends deal with it. This is my first year at college and I'm half way through with this semester and I have no friends.

And soon no money, time to go put these around the halls. I walk up to one of the cork boards in the hall of the school, the ones where people put event and groups on, and pin mine on.

I turn on my heel to go find another board and bump into someone. " ow" the girl voice says. She drops papers and I drop mine too. We both simultaneously kneel on the floor to get it up. I pick up on of hers and read what it says ' looking for an apartment and a person to share it with?, I'm your girl, and I have a job to pay half the rent.' With a picture of her, her name and number. I look up to see she's reeding my flyer as well. She looks up at me slowly and starts smiling, so do I.

" wanna be roomies?"  we say at the exact same time. We realize what we did then laugh together.

•End of Flashback•

We've been pretty much best friends after that, we had a lot in common but not to much so it wasn't creepy, and we hit it off well.

Kind of a cheesy story but I like it.

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