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'Okay.' Tobias croaked out eventually.
'That will be okay.' He asked not sure if his Godson was just being kind.
'Fine.' He confirmed.
'Good, let's head...home. I suppose.' He pulled Tobias by the shoulder who followed reluctantly.

No! This was not fine! He thought to himself, he was in no way ready to see Draco. His breathing picked up, he prayed that Snape would not notice. He didn't and Tobias was able to control it, they took the floo network to Tobias new home. The stepped out the fireplace and into a study, the walls were lined with books and a small armchair and table were by the fireplace. He continued out and followed the Professor up the stairs and into what he presumed was his room. The floor was white carpet and walls green, he had a feature wall that was posters, photos, flags and general Slytherin or Hogwarts merchandise. His room here was better than the one he had at home, in the far corner of the room was a double bed with green and white bedding. He had a few pillows for comfort but not an overload. By his bed was a night stand with a white lamp. He had a Slytherin coaster on the night stand and a copy of Advanced Potion making. Tobias didn't know if this was the Professor joking or not, but he didn't linger because further down the wall was a door that led into a bathroom. It was a black and white marble bathroom, it looked sleek and clean. Fluffy white towels were folded and placed in the shelves by the shower. He walked out back into his room, he went over to his wardrobe and set of drawers. He needed to fill them with clothes, he knew one day of this holiday Snape planned on taking him.

He had a seat that hung from the ceiling, it was white to compliment the room. The inside a plush green. The best part of this room had to be his bay window, his room was located at the back of the house, it showed the streets outside. Children with knee high socks and grey shorts with jumpers and blazers ran past. They had just finished school, his window seat had the small walls made into book shelves. Each filled with some of his favourite books, the draws underneath were filled with notebooks, parchment and other small toys to keep him occupied.

'Tobias, it's time to leave.' He heard Snape he'll from downstairs.
'Kay.' He ran down after having changed, he guessed smart casual. He had black jeans, a tight black turtle neck and black blazer.

He was going with Severus Snape, to the Malfoy house. He assumed that black was a good colour to go in, he did his hair somewhat tidy and joined the Professor, he had changed robes. Not by much, but he changed them. They stepped into the fireplace and then stepped out of the Malfoy one. The first person he saw was Draco. Who cleared the fear that was in Tobias by smiling, he waved towards and they immediately dove into conversation.

"Draco, why not go show Tobias your room?" His mother said to her son.
'Of course mum.' He left and they went upstairs.
'So the kiss.' Draco turned around when Tobias was in his room. He leaned on the door, this way Tobias could not leave.
'I liked it.' Tobias didn't lie.
'I did as well.' Tobias inflated inside.
'I think we should wait until we get older. We don't know ourselves yet, we still have time to change.' Tobias nodded in agreement, deflating slightly.
'Waiting it is then.' Draco said as a final statement.

He then proceeded to show Tobias around his room, afterwards they had their first dinner of the holidays where they spoke about school and other plans. They also spoke about what they hoped to get at Christmas. Overall, Tobias concluded a good night.

Tobias PotterWhere stories live. Discover now