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"Tobias get up, you have school today!"
His mothers voice came from downstairs, he really didn't want to leave the house.

It's September: the first! It's also...
...9am in the morning. Rolling over, Tobias had to be the most lazy eleven year old wizard to grace the earth. He had an amazing foster mother, Nymphadora Tonks. He was going to a school anyone would die to go too. Yet getting out of bed was still the largest challenge he had ever faced. Finally pulling himself up, he walked over to the shower turning it on. He undressed and washed himself, his wet black hair curled on top of his head. He looked like a hobbit as he stepped out and dried himself down. His skin was remarkably pale. The towel was tossed into a basket and he dressed himself. Dark blue jeans, brown boots and a white T-shirt shall do him just fine. He rubbed his eyes as he approached his mum, with a kiss on his head he sat down and began eating. After he gulped down the rest of his drink and finished his food, he washed the plates and hoisted himself on the counter. His mother gave him a disapproving look, yet smiled all the same. She turned to him, smiling at the boy, she leaned over and placed a finger on his scar that rested on his left shoulder. It remained there, he knew she could hide it, Dumbledore had told her not to.

"Right, time to go to the station. Run straight at the wall that divides platform nine and ten. You'll go straight through." She brushed the hair out his face, pulling his jacket round him.

With one quick pull by the shoulders his feet were planted on the floor, and they were on their way to Kings Cross Station. Tobias wouldn't ever admit this to anyone, but he was rather scared of leaving his mum. No matter where he went he was always with her, and now he'll have to survive the entire school year by himself. He already knew how he was to behave, he would try not to get into trouble, fight back otherwise people will walk over him all year.

The pair came to a stop at the barrier, nobody had seemed to be there. It was 10:30am, with a remaining half an hour till the train departed. Hands holding onto each other's tightly Tobias ran with his mum at the wall and straight through it. The platform was mainly empty, his trunk was taken from him by a man dressed in red, gold and black and placed into a separate carriage. He had a black and white cat called Knight that was already at Hogwarts. Tonks had took him the previous morning, saying he'd be waiting in his dormitory. He climbed aboard and leaned out the cart window.

"Right, you'll be okay. Just focus on your work, make the right friends and keep an eye on your brother Harry. He doesn't know about you yet, so find the best time to tell him. Don't rush into anything, don't find him on the train and go: hey, I know this is crazy but I'm your brother. Okay. Don't do that. Stay away from Malfoy, he isn't good news. Do all the homework the day you get it, otherwise you'll regret it later. Revise months before the exams, or you shall be up at 2am revising for something you probably don't care about. Have fun, explore the castle take every opportunity they give you. You only live these seven years once, make them count. Owl me every day, I'll send you things along with your brother if he knows by then. Join the quidditch team, best part of school if you ask me. Stay out of trouble, don't get hurt and-"
"Mum, that is enough. I'm a grown man now, I can handle myself."
"Don't say that please."
"Ask Professor Snape. Right I've talked for most of our time. So goodbye, I'll see you at Christmas."

She was right, she had spent most the half an hour talking. After she had kissed his forehead, the train started and the parents began crying as they waved off their children. Tobias, deflated having left the safety of his mum behind, sat on the seats provided. The train journey was to be long and tedious his mother told him, so getting a few friends wouldn't be entirely bad. He left the carriage and made his way down the train, a few people saw him and thought he was his brother, then noticed he didn't have the scar. He did, nobody could see it. He then saw him. His brother. He ran into the cart, that was occupied by a boy with black hair to match his, his brother had chubbier cheeks though. He wasn't as pale as Tobias either, yet you can tell they're brothers. He sat with a boy with red hair, freckles and scruffy clothes, Ron Weasley most likely.

"Harry. It's me your brother Tobias Potter." Harry looked startled, so this was what his mum meant when she said find the correct time.
"Look, I'm probably appearing as insane, but I have a scar like yours. See." He pulled away the fabric on his left shoulder, revealing a lightning bolt. Harry now was amazed, he couldn't believe it.
"I have a brother, wait twin brother if you are starting this year. This is amazing, but why would be raised separately?"
"My mum, the person who raised me said that Dumbledore will tell us why, when we are older."

"So, you have a brother. There is two of you. I'm Ron by the way. Ron Weasley" Just as Ron spoke up the door opened and in walked a girl with bushy hair.

"Have any of you seen a toad, a boy named Neville has lost one. Wait a minuet, you're Harry Potter. I'm Hermione Granger and you two are..."

"...I'm Tobias Potter, Harrys brother. That is Ron Weasley."

"I never knew Harry Potter had a brother. Nice to meet you." She held a hand out which Tobias politely took and shook. After having spoke something she left, pointing out that Ron had dirt on his nose.

"I'm going to go, make other friends. I'll see you in school." Tobias hugged Harry before he set off further down the train.

As he approached the cart near the end of the train he noticed, Malfoy. He continued walking despite the feeling of Malfoy watching him. He then came across a trolley of candy that an old lady stood behind. Purchasing some cauldron cakes and chocolate frogs he made his way back to his cart, which seems to have two other boys sitting in it. Which is fine Tobias doesn't mind sharing, he walked in and sat near the window, his previous seat. The two other boys stared, however Tobias was stubborn, which he apparently got from his father. So he wasn't moving.

"I'm Dean and this is Seamus." One of them spoke up, he seemed cautious.

"Tobias. Sorry for walking in so abrupt, I was in here before you two. I just left to make friends. Got a bit distracted, chocolate frog." He held one out, Seamus leaned forward opening the box and quickly grabbing the frog.

"That's okay, if you want we can all be friends. We were looking for friends as well." Seamus spoke this time, his accent was thick, Tobias knew he'd have fun pronouncing certain spells.

The train stopped, they had arrived. Everyone got off, all changed. Apart from Tobias. Mornings really did not agree with him, he'll have to sneak off and change. The first years all followed Hagrid, the keeper of keys and grounds at Hogwarts. Tobias with his clothes in hand told Dean and Seamus to make a scene so he can change. Then Seamus screamed and fell to the floor, diva, Tobias thought. Exiting the crowd he quickly took off his white shirt replacing it with his school shirt, he fiddled with his tie before he finally did it. He kept the jeans, they looked near enough black. The boots became black boots, and he pulled the robes on. As he slipped over back to Seamus and Dean, the whole fuss over the small Irish boy had faded. They scrambled for boats, Tobias sat with Seamus and Dean who joked about how Seamus was secretly a world famous actor. That was until, Hogwarts came into view, Tobias smiled it was all mum described and more.

Tobias PotterWhere stories live. Discover now