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Tobias was now awake and in the great hall, sadly he couldn't take everyday off school, that and it was also Halloween. He was finishing his meal when Marcus Flint came up to him handing him a piece of paper and clothing, they were his robes for Quidditch and training times.
'You'll need to attend these, and we've had your robes fitted based off your school robes and clothes.'
'How do you know my sizes?'
'Draco went into your dorm last night when you were not there-'
'First of all...' Draco pipes up, after hearing Marcus.
'I was doing what I was asked, and second of all you are making that sound much creepier then what it was.' He defended what happened.
'It's fine Draco, I understand and thank you for aiding me when I couldn't. I was just looking around the castle.'
'We have charms now, bet Finnigan will blow up something.' Tobias was upset at the mention of Seamus, they haven't spoken since the train ride.

They walk in a mutual silence, that was when Tobias saw Seamus with Dean and Neville Longbottom. He really wanted to talk to the two. So that's what he went and did. He ran up behind the two after telling Draco he'd sit with him in Charms. Which Draco wasn't fond of but agreed none the less.

'Seamus. Dean.' He tapped them on the shoulder and they turned round, smiling at him.
'We didn't think you'd want to talk to us seeing you're in Slytherin now.' Tobias laughed at Seamus, Dean just smiled and let him squeeze between the pair.
'That's just stereotypes, I could say the same for you two. Of course I want to talk to you, why wouldn't I? You guys are amazing. Who's this?' Tobias nodded towards Neville, he knew his name.
'That's Neville, he is really nice. Forgetful and clumsy, but is kind hearted.' Dean spoke on behalf of Neville who seemed to red in the face.
'Hello Neville, I'm Tobias.' He held a hand out in politeness, which Neville took. His palm was covered in sweat with was fairly disgusting.
"Hi, sorry about my hand. I'm just very nervous." He went even more red, which Tobias didn't think possible.
'It's fine, don't be nervous I might be a Slytherin but I don't bite. Promise.' He patted the scared boys back in a kind hearted fashion. This made Neville become more comfortable with Tobias.

Walking into the classroom, Tobias true to is word sat by Draco. The teacher came out of a door in the back of the class. Ascending the stairs made from books, maybe Tobias could make these wooden ones and add shelves behind the stand. He placed his books, parchment, quill and black ink down on the desk area in front of him. Draco sat smugly as Tobias noticed Harry's stare. Well, glare, at Draco and him. He didn't like the idea of their friendship and he made that more than clear. Seamus and Dean however, they didn't care who he was friends with. If they did, then they didn't show it. They are going to practice the levitation charm, which Tobias had read about and it seemed easy enough to master.

"Good morning everyone, today we'll be learning how to levitate objects." The small Professor made cushions and books fly around the room as a demonstration.
'So, all of you have a feather in front of you.' Tobias noted Hermione Granger lifted her feather up.
'Right, good. Now we all remember the wrist movement we have been practicing, swish and flick. Now, the incantation to be said is Wingardium Leviosa. Repeat after me...' Tobias zoned out, he knew the spell and had already mastered it. Draco didn't appear to have.
'Wingardium Levosar.' Draco did a violent movement with his wrist, and not to Tobias' surprise, it remained on the desk.
'This is difficult, can you do it Tobias.' Pansy leaned into him, which once again Tobias took note of. He shifted towards the comfort of Draco.
'Wingardium Leviosa.' He said calmly, with a smooth flourish of his wand the feather lifted into the air.
'Look everyone, Mr. Tonks has done it, 10 points to Slytherin. Well done, that is really impressive seeing you missed a lesson.' The small, squat professor beamed positively at the boy.

Hermione soon followed suit, earning Gryffindor 5 points. Tobias spent the rest of the lesson coaching Draco, which paid off seeing he was third to accomplish the task. After the teacher praised Draco, a small bang was heard, Seamus had blown up his feather. Only Seamus could manage such a task, so Tobias gave him some credit of a weird talent his possessed. The class finished and they now had a free period, Ron, Harry, Dean and Seamus: who was covered in ash. All walked in a line across the courtyard, Draco had gone off with Crabbe and Goyle. This left Tobias to walk alongside Hermione, which he didn't mind at all, that was until Ron spoke up.

'It'a LeviOsa not LevioSar, she's a nightmare honestly. No wonder she hasn't got any friends.' The four laughed at Rons impression of Hermione, Tobias didn't find it funny.

Hermione whipped away fallen tear and pushed passed the four boys, who all fell silent.

'Hermione!' Tobias called out, he lunged forward at an attempt to grab her wrist. Tobias fumes as he turned to Ron, Hermione had slowed when he called her name.
'Well done Ron, A for effort of being an Ass, and F for fucking it royally up.' Tobias had never been so angry, he ran off after Hermione who was now out of sight.

He rushed down the halls, he pushed past people, desperately he asked if anyone had seen her. Finally a third year Hufflepuff spoke up, saying she ran into the girls bathroom. Thanking the blonde haired girl for her kindness and honesty he ran into the bathroom, luckily nobody was in there. He could he Hermione crying, she was in the second stall closest to the door. He rapped his knuckle on the wooden door, no response, the bottom of the door was a bit off the floor. Tobias laid down, flat on his stomach and army crawled half way under the floor. Hermione sat, cross legged on the toilet seat. She moved her hands and glanced down at Tobias, she let out a small laugh, a smile through the tears. Tobias did admit, a young boy half way under the door of a girls stall, was a sight to see. He continued to wiggle until he could stand in the stall with her, he climbed up onto the tank that held the clean water behind Hermione.

'I'm sorry about what Ron said, you were only trying to help.' He sank down so he sat behind her, his legs fell on either side of seat. She leaned into him and cried for a long while, Tobias heard other girls come in and try to talk to her. Nothing worked. Girls came in and left. Once she had cried her self dry and soaked the shirt that Tobias wore, she decided to finally comment back to him.
'It's fine, I'm used to it.' Tobias had said that sentence so many times in his life it pained him to hear it from another.
'I understand, he is wrong by the way you have friends.'
'No I don't, he is right, nobody here likes me.'
'I like you, I think it's pretty cool that a girl isn't afraid of her intelligence. That you embrace the power you were given, and we can be friends.'
'I would honestly love that.' She seemed to be gaining her confidence back.
'Great, we're friends then. Let's go back to the feast, I'll sit with you instead so Ron can't be mean to you.'

She nodded, they walked out to stand before a giant troll, Tobias pulled Hermione behind him, ushering her to hide around the corner. She refused to listen and rushed back into the stall, the troll sensed her fear and brought his club along toilet stalls. Hermione screamed, she yelled for help, for Tobias to do something and she crawled beneath the sinks. The troll paid no attention to Tobias, he wasn't afraid. Ron and Harry bursted through the door, the called for Hermione. The troll still didn't pay the boys attention, Tobias had a plan. He ran out into the hallway, he needed to find a teacher. Ron and Harry had started throwing bits of broken wood. He ran down the long hallway and saw the teachers.

'Please, the troll it's in the bathroom with Hermione, Ron and Harry!' His voiced urgent the teachers ran past him, Professor Snape grabbed Tobias by the arm and pulled him along. He pulled him tightly into his side, he wrapped his cloak around him too. Making sure he was both well hidden and protected by his large figure. As they entered the scene, the troll was on the floor, knocked out, Harry and Ron stood together by the door. Hermione stood alone, covered head to toe in dust.

'Explain yourselves, the both of you!' Mcgonagall demanded, she turned to the boys who fumbled over words trying to make excuses.
'It was my fault Professor Mcgonagall, I went looking for the troll, I had read about them and thought I could handle it. If Harry and Ron had not found me when they did, I'd probably be dead.'
'Miss Granger, I expected more from you, 5 points will be taken from Gryffindor house. As for you two, not many first years can take on a fully grown mountain troll, and live to tell the tail. 5 points, will be awarded to each of you, for sheer dumb luck.' Harry and Ron smiled broadly at each other, Hermione the joined the three.

Tobias guessed she didn't need his friendship anymore, of course his brother would steal it, he did stop Voldemort. The teachers left, Tobias still kept under the potions masters cloak, for some reason, Tobias had a feeling he was in trouble.

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